Chapter 110: Saving Grace

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He closed his eyes, pressing the buttons together before a quick shock bolted around the room. The sparks flew around the ceiling before finally hitting Mr Packerton's chest and dissolving into his painful looking skin. The room fell silent, us all waiting for something to appear and that's when our calls were answered. I began to hear a weird gurgling sound coming from Mr Packerton, the noises starting faint before his chest began to warp. Slowing, a weird, red fleshy being began to rise - it's eyes and mouth completely black with nothing inside. Despite not having bones and no way to show how he was feeling, we knew immediately that he was in pain. 

"Young child..." he groaned. "Please... help me".

All three of us gasped as the poor, old man spoke. My heart began to race as I had only really ever seen one being before - that being Megan and she didn't give me the same terrifying feeling as Mr Packerton did. 

"How can you be... are you dead?" Larry's eyes widened, clearly spooked by this encounter as much as I was.

"I am in between... suffering for what seems like an eternity..." the jelly like creature replied.

"Did Mrs Packerton do this to you?" Travis questioned him. 

"We were in love once... or so I thought we were..." his voice croaked and sounded forced. "Yes, this is her doing... please, you must help me escape this endless agony..."

"Do you know where she is? Why is she keeping you here? Are you part of the cult?" I felt my breath shudder as I asked this poor soul these questions. 

"I'm afraid I don't know much about a cult..." he paused. "This room is my prison... my tomb of infinite sorrow. I can never leave this state, as long as she has me attached to this machine..."

"How can we help you?" I ask, feeling that knot in my chest tightening as I knew how he was going to respond.

"You must unplug that horrid machine..."

"But wouldn't that..."

"It will end my suffering... it will free me of this torment..."

"But... are you sure?" I press my lips together, hiding how much this hurt my heart.

"Please child. I beg of you... you must hurry before she returns..."

I looked to the boys, tears in my eyes as I knew we had to do this. This was not fair to Mr Packerton to have to live this way. It was cruel and knowing we could set him free and end all of this torture, was the the right thing to do. Yes, it would be killing another person and if we were to ever get caught - we could be locked up for a long time... but I couldn't leave him here like this. I walk over to the machine, following the jagged lines up and down to show me that somehow he was still somewhat alive. The plug was beside it, all I had to do was reach down and pull it from the wall. My arms were shaking, I was fighting every emotion in my brain to convince myself I was doing the right thing. I felt myself leaning further and further forward... continuing to battle with my head and my heart. I could see the boys witnessing my internal struggle and that was when Travis came to my side, placing his hand on my shoulder and giving me a comforting look. He didn't once remove his gaze from mine as he leant down, grabbing the wires and pulling them from the socket. 

A soft beep followed and I quickly looked back to Mr Packerton's body. The small, fleshy creature that sat on his bony ribcage began to sink back into his body until he was completely gone. We had done it, we freed him from this torture and he was finally able to rest. 

"Rest in peace, Mr Packerton..." Larry bowed his head. "I hope you are free now..."

I didn't hesitate before giving Travis a tight embrace. He knew this was hard for me to come to terms with so he took it upon himself to free Mr Packerton. If you told me months ago that Travis Phelps would help me, support me in the most difficult of times - I wouldn't have believed you. But right there and then, I couldn't thank him enough for taking that responsibility away from me. I didn't need to thank him with my words, he could tell by the look in my eyes how much I appreciated what he had done for me and Mr Packerton. He gave me a weak smile, nodding his head gently before dropping the plug onto the floor. It took a great deal of courage to do that and I had so much respect for him now. 

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