Chapter 75: Ever Lasting Love

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A/N: I just wanted to write a quick message, thanking everyone for the love and support on this story. This story is something I hold so near and dear to my heart, allowing myself to share a little bit about my life in a very loose way. As I wrote this chapter, I couldn't help but sob as I felt the emotion from each character and truly realised how much these fictional people allowed me to feel safety of my own. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to each of you who has added this to your library, voted, shared, commented or simply clicked on my page. It means the world to me and knowing I have a safe space to be creative, makes me feel so at peace.

I really hope you all enjoy this chapter! 

River's POV:-
Nothing else was mentioned after what happened in Larry's kitchen. Neither of us made it awkward, even though internally I knew we were both screaming at the top of our lungs. I didn't have time to think about that now, all I knew and all I cared about was Sal's return home. Larry and I got a message from Sal's dad, saying he would be leaving the hospital soon and we should expect him home within the hour. Larry and I brushed aside whatever happened and immediately grabbed some balloons, a welcome home banner and the cake that we had made and decorated.

My heart was beating so intensely that I think the whole of Nockfell could hear how anxious and excited I was. My hands were sweating, making it harder and harder to hold up this ridiculous banner. I looked over to Larry whose expression perfectly matched mine. We were scared, anxious and everything in between. How would we just go back to how things were? How would we know that Sal wouldn't have another outburst and run away again? The truth was, we wouldn't know. That was the bug bearer of this whole escapade. The thing that Larry and I knew more than anything in the world, was that we would do anything to protect him, keep him safe and ensure this would never happen again under our care. I felt my eyes beginning to glass over, attempting to hold back the tears I was so desperate to let out but I had to be strong. I had to be strong for Sal.

"Hey, you okay?" Larry nudged me slightly, his eyes looking concerned.

I nodded without a verbal response, pressing my lips together in an attempts to hide my emotions but of course that didn't work. Instead, Larry came closer wrapping one of his arms around my shoulder and pulling me in closer to his side. I rested my head on his upper arm, as I couldn't reach his shoulder, taking in a deep and unsteady breath as my body began to shudder under the influence of anxiety.

"He'll be okay you know?" Larry began to gently caress my arm. "I know you're scared... I'm terrified too..."

"I shouldn't be this anxious Larry. I shouldn't have these doubts at the back of my mind that history will repeat. It was a one off, he's never done this before and part of me wonders if his subconscious would ever put him under that amount of trauma again..."

"Well, Sal has beaten obstacle after obstacle. You've seen it and I sure as heck have. He's the strongest dude I've ever known..."

"I don't know how he comes back fighting every time Larry... I know if I had ever experienced what he had, I don't know if I would be strong enough to come back..."

"Well..." he paused and gave me a tighter squeeze. "He has something really special to fight for..."

I felt those words in the pit of my aching chest and couldn't help let the tears fall. I knew Larry didn't have to say those words to me, but just the mere thought of something so heartfelt in a moment of uncertainty was the truest form of friendship I had ever felt.

"Love you" I whispered and nuzzled into his shirt, a small smile appearing on my face as the tears continued to fall from my eyes.

"Love you too" he rests his head on mine and I can feel the edges of his mouth turning upwards as he joins me in this moment of comfort. "Any minute now, we'll have him home..."

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