Chapter 25: Beating

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River's POV:-

I woke up the next morning after a horrific night sleep. My body and mind wouldn't relax long enough without the vivid pictures of Stacey Holmes' life flashing before my eyes. Hearing her cries for helping, listening to Megan's sobs continuously echoed through my mind. I pull myself out of bed, get showered and changed before going outside for a cigarette. I checked the time; usually I would be meeting Sal in about 25 minutes but I thought I'd meet him outside with Larry instead.

It was muggy outside, not sunny but an overbearing amount of heat. Each drag I took got less enjoyable as the hot air was bothering me. I messaged Sal making sure he knew how warm it was so wear something suitable. Time went by as I sat on the dead grass outside Addison Apartments, I messaged Larry and shortly after he arrived.

"Where's Sal?" I stood up and asked.

"No idea dude. Haven't heard from him since last night... you heard anything?"

"No..." I check my phone and see all messages were either still pending or left on delivered. "Sal never not answers his you think something happened?"

"I'm not sure. Hang on a minute..." Larry reached into his bag and pulls out a small walkie talkie. "Sally  Face, do you read me?" he released the button and got no response. He tried again but again met with the same answer. 

"Do you think we should head up there? I hate the idea of leaving without him.." I feel my heart sink into my stomach. 

"We'll be late, he may have an appointment at the doctors or something, that's the last time I remember Sal not answering his cell."


"Yeah, sometimes Sally has these routine check ups to make sure he's still taking his meds. Sometimes it will be changing them, upping them or making sure he's face is still cool you know? I hate talking about it without him here, it's really not my place but I think seeing as you're his girlfriend and you're worried about him, I know he wouldn't mind me telling you..." Larry's eyes avoid my gaze. 

"I didn't know Sal went to any doctors appointments. Don't get me wrong, I knew he was on medication and stuff but we haven't really spoken about it before... I wonder why..." 

"Sal always has a hard time opening up about that shit really. It's difficult for him to admit sometimes too. I know Henry is always making him go, I think it's his own habits too you know?" Larry lights a cigarette as he begins to walk up the path. "Come on Riv, I'm sure he'll text you soon.."

My eyes glared back at the scummy building I called a home. I couldn't help but wonder if Sal was inside or if he was actually at an appointment. I felt awful leaving him here, in case he was waiting for us and didn't have any cell reception but then again, Larry did try contacting him on his radio... I sighed and followed Larry to school without Sal. 

As we walked into the school building, I noticed an unusual buzz around the halls. What on earth was everyone talking about? I did my best to try and listen in on the surrounding conversations but yet I couldn't make it out clearly. I stayed close to Larry, an overwhelming sadness filled me knowing I didn't have Sal on my other side. Just his presence and his occasional sarcastic comment made the school days much easier to get through. I asked Larry what lesson he had first, he had English which meant I had Maths alone. Larry decided to walk me to class as I was still getting used to the winding hallways of Nockfell High. I hug Larry goodbye and head into class with Mrs Packerton. 

"Good morning dear" she lifts her head whilst sitting at her desk. "No Sal today?" 

"Not today Mrs Packerton..." I press my lips together and force a smile. 

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