Chapter 26: Consequences

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Oh River, please tell me where you got that lovely outfit? Bargain Basement? Oh look Laila, she's crying again, someone ought to tell her that she'll never get a date to the prom. I mean look at her and look at us. We're beautiful and she's just the scum of the earth. What person has purple eyes anyway? *chuckles*

Oh my god Stacey you're so funny. I think they're contacts and she's trying to act all alternative to get some attention! *laughs*

Penny have you seen this circus act? It's priceless! I'll never get bored of seeing the little wench cry!

Stacey you're so twisted *chuckles*. Any thoughts on what to do today? Maybe a swirly? Maybe a nice make over to teach how to look like a queen rather than a jester?

Hmm, I'm thinking we check out Laila's theory what do you think? Think she's wearing contacts? *giggles*

Ooo I love a good science experiment! Penny hand me my tools! *giggles*

No please, stop, I haven't done anything to you! I stay out of your way, why do you keep coming after me like this?! *sobs*

Because you're a filthy, no good sinner. My Father talks about you all the time, the poor violet eyed girl who was misguided and now will be sent straight to hell! It's a regular dinner time talk, we all laugh at you, the whole town laughs at you. Not even your Mother can help you now. Poor Mommy got killed didn't she? I bet she was out cheating on your no good Dad wasn't she? 

Stop that! My mother was a good person! She would never cheat on my Dad!

You're so pathetic *smacks*, the whole world thinks you're a joke. You'll never amount to anything River Valentine. You'll always be a fucking joke!


"Riv?! Riv, it's me, hey you ok? What happened in there?"

I look up from my knees and see a distressed Larry sitting in front of me. I watched for a second as he was panting like crazy, presumably from running to come and find me. I don't think and just throw myself into Larry, grabbing him tight and continuing to cry into his chest. I feel his arms wrap around me, hushing me and trying to calm me down. 

"Hey, don't worry man, you're ok... let it all out..." he whispers and begins rubbing my back for comfort.

"Anywhere I go I fuck something up Larry. It's like I'm doomed for failure. Like I will never amount to anything. I don't know what comes over me, it's like a cruel person takes over and I have no way of stopping them. They were right, I'm pathetic" I sob hard into his Sainty Falls shirt. 

"Right" he pauses and pushes me back to face him. I look into his dark chocolate brown eyes, noticing how long his eyelashes were and how much he cared. "You stop that shit right now. You are not pathetic. You aren't anything of the things you're saying to me right now. You, River are the kindest soul on the planet. Stop talking like that man" he smiles. "What the fuck brought all this on?" 

"Travis opened his damn mouth and I lost it. I didn't have Sal to calm me down and I just completely went for him. Smashed his smug little face in and if it wasn't for the damn voices I wouldn't have stopped..." 

"Voices?" Larry raised an eyebrow. 

"The girls from Michigan, I heard them in my brain and they distracted me. Mitchell swooped me away and tried to get me to calm down. I know I'm going to be suspended for what I did Larry, my dad is going to be so mad with me" I continue to cry. 

"Oh Riv, your Dad won't be mad at you. I'll back you in any way I can. I know how much Travis is a shit bag and I know he treats you and Sal so horribly. Trust me, you're not the only one who has felt the cold hand of Travis. He tries to go for me, Ash and Todd. The only thing is, Ash and I don't ever let him get a word in edgewise. Todd's a bit different, he couldn't hurt a damn fly. But Travis most likely goes for you and Sal because you're unique. Travis hates anything that's not the norm and quite honestly he probably feels threatened by you. I'm so glad you kicked the shit out of him, better you than before I got my hands on him" Larry chuckles and pretends to throw hands. 

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