Chapter 38: Intimacy

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Larry's POV:-
It had been one week since we had been staying in Hillsdale, I tell you I could get used to the scenery around here. We had a couple of days of heavy snow which meant we had a large snowball fight in the fields behind, Axel included. It was the most fun I'd ever had in my life. Seeing everyone smiling, including Sal behind his prosthetic made the trip even better. River began speaking again, not as much as she used to be that was her own healing process she was dealing with. It was just nice seeing her relax and spend some time with us happy again.

The house we were staying in was truly magnificent, Sal and I decided to share a room with two single beds so I could ensure he woke up without the feeling of anxiety. As mentioned before, Sal often wakes up in a fright first thing in the morning especially when he is away from home. I have to tell him where we are, who we're with and other small details too. It helps calm him and if that's how I can help I will. Today was slightly different, Sal was beginning to get used to the idea of being away from home so the past couple of times I haven't needed to remind him of his surroundings. This morning, I just wanted to let him sleep. I asked him to take some sleeping pills so he could get some well deserved rest which meant he would be out for the count for another couple of hours. I wrote him a note and placed it on his bedside table, allowing him read what I tell him every morning just incase.

It was around 7:30am and I was growing restless. I threw myself out of bed, grabbed some clothes and went to the nearest bathroom so I could have a shower. I removed my clothes and saw myself standing in the long mirror in front of me. When did I grow such a hairy chest? Granted, it wasn't in your face bushy but it was still shocking to me. I was fortunate to have the luxury of having a high metabolism, meaning I was slim and still had slight abs even though I didn't exercise at all. I turned on the blazing hot shower and stepped inside, feeling each droplet caress my skin and run through my long thick hair. I washed it using some of the shampoo on the side which I quickly realised must be River's. Oh it smelt amazing, like coconut and pineapples. I was essentially going to be a walking Pina Colada cocktail. I felt my stomach begin to flip as I could smell her scent but now on myself.

Larry for fuck sake dude, stop thinking about your best friends girlfriend. God I seriously need to get laid. I looked down as I rinsed out my hair seeing the excitement was clearly getting to me. Quickly Larry, think about something else, old ladies... old wrinkly ladies... ugh!
I turned off the taps and squeezed out the excess moisture from my hair, I then grabbed my towel, drying myself off but this fucking excitement wouldn't go away. Hm, how was I going to play this? I was praying no one walked in... wait a fucking minute did I lock the door!?

"Anyone in here?" I heard her speak from the other side of the door. Panic, sheer panic ran through me.

"Er yeah! I'm here!" I spluttered as I quickly wrapped a towel around me.

"Larry is that you?" River chuckled, "what the hell are you doing in there?"

"I've just got out the shower dude, little privacy?" I laughed back.

"Don't you worry I'm not going to barge in there" she laughed again. "Would you mind handing me my shampoo and conditioner, I think I left it in there"

Crap, of all the days she was going to see me it had to be today! I grabbed her things quickly and wiped them with my towel so they weren't dripping wet. I opened the door slightly, pushing my wet hair from my face and poked my head through the gap.

"Wow it's the lock ness monster!" She cried as she took the shampoo bottles from me. "And damn he sure does smell like me"

"I hope you don't mind... I forgot my stuff in the room" I blushed.

"No problem dude, it's only a bit of soap" she smiled. "Damn I knew you were hairy but fucking hell" she looked down to my slightly exposed chest.

"Literally tell me about it, I didn't realise I'd let myself go" I entertained her.

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