Chapter 32: The Club

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Sal's POV:-
I held them both so tightly it was beginning to hurt me. My body felt numb, my mind felt weak and my heart felt broken. How did they find me? It had to be something River did, I thought I was a goner. I slowly felt the life drain right from me before my eyes closed. I thought I would meet the same fate as Megan and Stacey in Room 504, but my best friends, no my family came to save me.
I listened to her gentle sobs as she grabbed my long blue hair in her hands. My attention turned to Larry, his arm wrapped around a portion of my waist, him sobbing too. I couldn't believe what had happened in this room. What sort of power did River truly possess?

"Sally?" I heard a small voice call from behind me. I turned my head slowly, seeing a small light and Megan's tiny body in the doorway.

The three of us let the other go and turned to see a distraught Megan in her bedroom.

"Megan?" I whispered, my heart feeling heavier.

"I'm so sorry" Megan began to cry. "I couldn't... stop..."

"Hey hey..." we crawled to her. "What do you mean?"

"I saw you there. I saw you dying and I couldn't stop him... Mommy told me I couldn't... I didn't mean to... he took my form and... he..." she stuttered. I knew straight away this was my Megan. She was completely heartbroken knowing what happened in her old bedroom.

"You couldn't stop him Megan.. please don't blame yourself..."

"Mommy said I couldn't do it. That it would stop me coming to the other side... mommy said River would save you..." Megan continued to cry, before wiping her eyes and looking directly at River. "You saved Sally Face..." she sniffled.

I looked to River who was in complete shock and didn't say a word. I smile at her, reaching for her hand and giving it a squeeze.

"Megan what happened in here?" Larry asked her, wiping his snotty nose.

"The big scary monster came. He tried to eat Sally's soul... Sally shot him with a big boom and he got scared... he's hiding... he's been hurt"

"You used the fucking gear boy didn't you!" Larry yelled directly at me. I avoided his gaze like the plague as I knew he was now fuming with me. "Todd did that as a fucking test! Why the fuck would you use that without testing it first!?" Larry continued to boom.

"I had to stop him somehow Larry!" I yelled back. This is the first time we've raised our voices at each other. "It was either get eaten alive or use the fucking gear boy!"

"You knew the risks! It nearly fucking killed you dude! Either way it was the wrong choice! Why did you come looking for ghouls in your state!?" Larry now stood up completely livid. I've never seen him so wound up.

"Look!" I stood up and turned to him. "I know it was the wrong choice! Something felt odd, it was beckoning me to come up here, I couldn't help following my gut you know that!"

"YOU NEARLY DIED!" He roared which shocked me that he had really lost his cool. Larry was always so chilled so I knew I really fucked up knowing how angry he was.

"ENOUGH!" River screams and stands between us both. "Do you think this is helping?! A shouting contest?! You both need to fucking shut up now!?"

Her voice broke as she screamed at the top of her lungs, which instantly made us both shut up immediately. River turned to face a distraught Megan, her t-shirt fabric swishing round with her. She slowly bent down to her level and gave her a smile.

"Megan I'm really sorry, we didn't mean to shout sweetheart. It's ok, don't cry. We know it was really scary what happened in here, it wasn't your fault ok?"

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