Chapter 92: Thoughts and Feelings

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River's POV:
I couldn't move, I was paralysed as I reconnected properly with the last face I saw on that dreadful day. Cameron Campbell, right here in the flesh in Nockfell. I didn't recognise him immediately when I saw him inside the police station... I suppose that's the last place I ever expected to see him. I didn't make the connection purely because Cameron shouldn't be here in Nockfell, he should be back in Hillsdale with his friends, his family...

"You look so..." he began.

"Different?" I cut him off. "Yeah, I'm not leaking blood with a thick gash across my face..."

"No-no!" He stuttered, scared he had offended me. "That's not w-what I meant..."

"I know Cameron..." I felt bad for bringing dark humour into this when clearly he felt on edge. "What the hell are you doing here anyway?"

"I wasn't planning on stopping... I was riding through the town and parked up in a nearby gas station. When I came back, my car was stolen and I was left stranded. Luckily I had some cash and my card to get a bus straight here and file a report..."

"Damn, that's sucks" I speak. "So where's your folks? Have you called them?"

"Nah, was just going to rent a room for the night in a hotel. Lady at reception gave me an address so I can be in town whilst they look for my lost car. I've texted mom and dad to let them know what's happened but.. let's just say they're not rushing over here to come and get me" a weak smile plastered on his face whilst he scratched the nape of his neck.

"Oh..." I felt sympathy for him. After all, he was the only nice person to ever give me the time of day in Michigan. Without thinking, my next words were, "Need a ride there?"

I immediately felt Sal and Larry's piercing eyes on either side of my skull. Clearly, they weren't sure what to think of the situation and Larry didn't feel comfortable letting a stranger join us.

"River, can we discuss this for a moment?" Sal nudged and whispered in my ear.

"Give us one second Cameron..." I looked to him as he nodded.

I turned round and walked a few steps back towards the car with the boys, waiting for the ambush of questions to hit me.

"You gotta be joking!" Larry came first.

"River we have no idea who this dude is... what if he has something to do with the cult?" Sal's worried tone came next.

"Yeah not to mention he's been giving a weird vibe the moment we walked into that place..."

"Guys stop it!" I hushed them and gave them a stern look. "Cameron has nothing to do with the cult..."

"How do we know that?! He shows up suddenly in Nockfell within the same time frame that your dad goes missing? Doesn't that strike you as a bit strange?" Larry furrows his thick, untamed brows. "Look, all I'm saying is we don't know what this dude's motive is. Who's to say he's not tracking you? The cult are far bigger than just Nockfell. What if they got in contact with him because he was the only one you liked back in Michigan!"

"Larry that's crazy. Even for you..." I scoffed and folded my arms across. "Look, I know this seems weird and trust me, I'm trying to be skeptical about the whole thing too! I didn't just invite him back to the apartments to spend the night with us did I? All I offered him was a ride to the hotel..."

"She's got a point there Larry, it's only a ride..."

"But who's to say we won't be followed in 'the ride'!" Sarcasm gracefully caressing Larry's raspy vocal tones. "You two seriously wanna take that risk!"

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