Chapter 61: He was Gone

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Larry's POV:-

I remember waking up to a vicious pounding on my front door, my name being screamed from the top of their lungs and a desperate cry for help. I threw myself out of bed, not bothering getting dressed and remaining in my boxer shorts before being greeted at the door by a hysterical River. I couldn't believe my eyes, she was absolutely distraught, barely speaking in sentences and panting for dear life. I couldn't keep my focus on her because she was so erratic, nothing she said made sense besides picking up the odd word like; Sal, ran, help. I quickly pulled her inside, grabbing her a large hoodie of mine as well as throwing on some pants and a t-shirt. It took me a while get it out of her before she attempted to run out of my apartment but I kept reminding her I couldn't help unless she calmed down and spoke to me clearly. I mean, this was the last thing I expected at 5:30am. It wasn't long before my Mom arrived into the living room, rubbing her eyes and brushing back some of her bed head. 

"Woah, River what's happened my darling?" she sat beside an anxious River, cooing her softly to get her to calm down. 

"Sal... he..." she stuttered whilst trying to catch her breath through the continuous stream of tears. 

"Calm down darling, we're here to help. What's happened to Sal?" my mom tried to get her to stop. 

The pair of them began to breathe in unison, trying to calm River down in an attempt to get her to speak clearly. Eventually, after a solid ten minutes of breathing time, she was now able to speak slightly better and began explaining what had happened. 

"Sal was staying with me... I woke up to him jolting. I've never seen him so scared before. His eyes were literally bulging out of his skull when he looked around my room. I think it must have been a nightmare because I kept trying to tell him where he was. But he wouldn't listen to me.." she sobbed and wiped her tears with the long ends of my hoodie I leant to her. 

"So you're saying he literally just got up and a ran without any sort of warning?" I asked her, curious as to why Sal has never reacted this way before. 

"Larry, I was so scared. He literally threw me off him before grabbing his prosthetic and running off. I didn't think Sal could run so fast but he literally ran straight out of the building and then he was gone. He ran towards the direction of the woods but I couldn't keep up with him. I came running back inside and that's when I came down here for help..." 

"Oh sweetheart.." my mother spoke to her again, wrapping River up in her arms and giving her some affection. "Right we need to go and speak to Henry immediately. Does your dad know you've even left the apartment?" 

"I have no idea, Sal threw me off the bed pretty hard and I was calling him down the hallway. He must have heard something, I don't even think I closed the door behind me because I was panicking about Sal. I don't have my phone so I really need to let him know I'm somewhat ok..." River sniffled as she went to stand. 

"I'll come with you to take you back up to your dad. Mom can you go and speak to Henry about what's happened?" I turn to my mom to try and conjure up a game plan. 

"Yes sweetie. You two go and get River sorted and i'll speak to Henry. This is highly unlike Sal to act this way, something must be going on. If anyone is going to know if Sal has done this before, it will be Henry" 

The three of us began to get ourselves together to one, tell Henry Sal has run off and two, get River back home and make sure Axel knows she's ok. The elevator journey was silent, I could feel the anxiety of the three of us filling up the space and making it impossible to breathe. I was worried sick, but I had to stay strong for River. With everything that's happened recently, River needed protection and comfort whenever it was necessary and now with her biggest comfort blanket missing, she was going to suffer tremendously. We all left the elevator, my mom knocking on Henry's door before we found a scared looking Axel pacing the hallway by River's apartment with his phone pressed against his face. As soon as he looked down and saw us both standing there, his glassy eyes lit up as he ran towards us, scooping her up in his arms. The pair of them stayed this way for a few seconds, Axel had nearly lost her daughter a few weeks ago he wasn't going to lose her again. 

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