Chapter 82: A Roaring Flame

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Larry's POV:-

"OUT OF THE DAMN QUESTION!" I screamed, all of my rage entering my mind at once and instantly seeing red. "There is no way that we are risking that Riv!"

"Larry wait, we need to -" she tried to speak through her glass covered eyes.

"No! I am not risking you losing your life for the sake of these plans anymore. Not you, not Sal, not me, nobody! You seriously cannot be considering this?! How do we know what Travis is saying is true? Who's to say that this is all just some fucking disgusting plan that his dad is making us believe?!"

"Larry I don't think..." Sal tried to calm me but it instead made it worse.

"Stop!" I roar, stopping the conversation entirely in the treehouse. I immediately looked at Travis, my palms growing sweatier and the hurt in my chest getting tighter. "Get out of my fucking treehouse, I knew this was a mistake. We should've never given you the chance in the first place".

"They needed to know this Johnson" Travis stood and met my eyes. "Keeping this from them could've done far worse and you know that. Put aside your fucking selfishness for a minute and listen to what they want to do..."

As soon as he said the word selfishness, that was it. I didn't know what I was doing but the next time I blinked I had Travis tightly in my grip, punching him once. Twice. Three times hard in the face, seeing an outpour of crimson appearing on his face. I couldn't hear anything, only a slight ringing in my eardrums as I continue to pummel him into next week. I felt a pair of hands wrap round from behind me, pulling harder and harder indicating they wanted me to let go. But I didn't. I continued to beat him, beat everything out of that snot nosed bastard who I have never once liked. How dare he come here? How dare he come and tell my friends the risks of what this could have? It's their lives!

"LARRY STOP NOW!" I finally heard a voice before my hands froze in their place. A bright violet light began to wrap around my now bleeding knuckles as I struggled to fight the power off.

"Let go of me River!" I screamed and looked at her. I could see the terror in her eyes, the loss for words at how I have let myself get into such a state. "Let go of me now!"

"You need to stop right now Larry!" I heard Sal's voice on the other side of me. My eyes turned to him and I could sense the feeling of disappointment. It was excruciating. "Riv, move him away".

I felt my once firmly placed converse begin to lift, moving back to my original spot and setting me down hard. I tried so hard to get up, go back over to them both but it was no use. She was still preventing me from going anywhere near Travis fucking Phelps.

"Will you stop this now?!" I growled, clenching my fists tighter and feeling my nails digging deeper into my palms. "I'm on your fucking side..."

"No" River turned to face me, a single tear falling down her face. "If you were on our side then you wouldn't have done this..."


"ENOUGH!" she darted towards me and smacked me straight around the face. I felt my cheek begin to pulse as my skin heated. "You need to seriously calm down now. I don't know what the fuck has happened to you but this? This fucking anger, this outrage, this fucking drama Larry needs to stop. Right. Fucking. Now." she clenched her jaw tightly, the violet in her eyes beginning to go a deeper shade, more like eggplant. "WE need to hear how we can do this, I need to hear how we can do this. Don't you get it? If I don't put a stop to this, if SAL doesn't put a stop to this, not only could we lose our lives but everyone we care about will!"

"I don't want to lose you!" I spat onto the ground, noticing the blood splattered on the floor. "I don't want to lose anybody..." I felt my voice crack as the anger began to dissipate and my heart finally beginning to take over again.

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