Chapter 74: Confusion

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River's POV:-
Well the last few days have been interesting to say the least, I couldn't believe we were finally prepping to have Sal home again. It was a strange feeling, both joyous but also I couldn't fight the urge of an overwhelming feeling of sadness. At first, I couldn't put my finger on why I felt slightly sad with Sal's return as I knew I was so excited to have him back.. but I suppose I had this feeling of worry that history could eventually repeat himself. I replayed that day every moment I was awake and even sometimes when I slept, seeing those moments of pure panic in Sal's eyes and not responding to my calls of desperation. I never knew what spooked him, what was going through his mind and what he saw but I couldn't simply bring it up in conversation in case it triggered something else. I had to do something that I found so difficult, let it go. I wanted to know so badly what happened with Sal, so I could understand and look for signs if for any reason that reaction could happen again but I wouldn't even know where to begin that conversation. I made a pact with myself and even to Larry that we wouldn't bring up what happened unless Sal started the conversation. It wasn't fair to us and especially not to Sal to have to relieve those weeks of torment again.

I guess you're all wondering what happened to Larry the day Sal woke up. Luckily, the doctors were able to fix him up pretty quickly and give him some stitches on his hip/side. Larry told me that when I was attempting to bring Sal back into this dimension that the power I radiated was so intense it pushed him backwards causing him to catch his skin on a piece of broken tile. I don't remember a lot of what happened, the only recollection I had was so many voices speaking at once and feeling an overwhelming sensation in my body. Larry was able to come home that same day, feeling pretty weak as he did loose quite a bit of blood as the abrasion was fairly deep. We did go back into Sal's room, giving him another huge hug before we did and promised to return every day until he was discharged. And we kept that promise.

As a side project, Larry and I decided to prepare everything at Addison Apartments for Sal's return. This meant getting all his favourite things ready and set up in his room as he was going to be spending a large amount of time recovering. We decided to chip in any money we both had, whether that was from all birthday savings, allowances or spare cash that we found around our apartments. When we had a little chunk, we went straight down to the store picking out all of Sal's favourite candies, sodas and even a couple of books we knew he'd love. We spent the following afternoon up in Sal's room, making sure everything was set up and ready for him to come home to. The excitement was really catching up on us, that was when something strange happened the day before Sal came home.


"RIV" I heard Larry call for me from his kitchen as I lounged around in his bedroom playing some video games.

"Yeah?" I called back, before hearing a weird thud. "You ok?"

"Errr, RIV!" Larry's call became louder which spiked my curiosity.

"Coming!" I yell, pausing my game and leaving his room to head in his direction.

As I left the bedroom, I saw a distraught Larry in the kitchen covered in flour and eggs dropped all over the floor. I couldn't help but place my hand over my mouth, trying to subdue the massive great grin I had appear on my face. As I panned the environment, it was clear that Larry had stupidly dropped the bag of flour and couldn't bend down properly to pick it up because of his stitches. I pressed my lips together hard as I tried not to explode with laughter but it couldn't be helped. My eyes began tearing up, my cheeks flushing a bright shade of red and my hand pressing harder into my chin.

"Oh for fuck sake, let it out" Larry chuckled which caused me to cackle in place at the state of him. "Yeah yeah yeah, laugh it up you evil woman"

"L-Larry" I held onto my sides for dear life. "What the hell are you doing?"

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