Chapter 8: A Pleasant Sleep

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Sal's POV:-

I was so engrossed with the film that I didn't even remember River was sitting right beside me. I hadn't watched Shrek for years so I had forgotten how much of a classic it was. I chuckled right through to the end until the credits began to come on the television screen. I look to my right to see that River had actually fallen asleep. The biggest part that I didn't even notice that her head had slumped onto my small shoulder blades. I opened my mouth in shock at the idea a girl had fallen asleep beside me, let alone making a connection with me. I couldn't help but smile to hear her gentle sounds as she slept. I remember her saying that she had a hard time sleeping, much like I did, so it was really nice to see her so peaceful. I'd pay good money to go into her head for a moment to see what she has to deal with daily. I would do anything I could to help her as I know living with depression sucked.

I wanted to stay there a bit longer but as I pull out my phone carefully from my pocket, I notice the time was now 10:45. Damn, I told Dad I wouldn't be late home but yet here I am sitting beside a sleeping River at nearly 11pm.

I carefully pull her off of me, doing my best not to wake her. When I finally got into a decent position, I guided her head down to her pillow and wrapped the remaining duvet on top of her. I smile at her, happy to see her resting. Quietly, I tip toe from her bedroom, grabbing my guitar and taking one final look to her. She looked happy, a small smile appearing on her face meaning she must be having a pleasant dream for a change. God I slightly envied her, I don't remember the last time I had a pleasant dream. I smile at her one final time and slowly close the door behind me.

As I creep out of her bedroom, I see Axel still sitting on the couch watching some late night television.

"Hey Axel, sorry it's late. River fell asleep whilst we were watching a film...."

"What?" Axel turned to face me, a shocked expression appearing on his face.

"Oh she fell asleep. I managed to sneak off without waking her as I know she's not the best sleeper..."

"River hasn't fallen asleep so soundly in years... Sal, did she take her medication?" Axel stood up to face me.

"No. She must have just fell asleep on her own..." I felt myself growing anxious feeling like I had done something wrong.

"Oh Sal..." he smiled. "River must have felt really comfortable around you. She's never fallen asleep without her medication alone before. Sometimes I would have to wait until she fell asleep until I could sneak out. Mind you, she was a young girl at the time but it always worked. Thank you." Axel rubbed his eyes showing how exhausted he was.

"I'm glad she felt comfortable to do that with me. Thank you for dinner and having me over. I've had a great time" I smile behind my prosthetic.

"Thank you Sal, you are welcome whenever you like. Consider yourself a permanent guest. I'm glad my River has a friend like you. Do you need me to watch you down the hall?" Axel yawned.

"Oh no seriously I'm only the other end of the hall. Please go to bed. Thank you again"

"Goodnight Sal. See you soon" Axel smiled as I turned to open the door.

As I left their apartment, I had a permanent smile on. River fell asleep without her medication because she felt comfortable around me? It gave me great happiness knowing that she was able to do that. I only hoped she could sleep for a longer period of time. I plodded on through the corridor, quickly noticing the police tape still strapped across Room 403. I wondered what happened behind Mrs Sanderson's door. I naturally felt my need to explore but I knew it was late and Dad would kill me if I pissed about anymore. I sucked up any temptation and carried on past the door and heading inside my apartment. Of course, Dad was asleep on the couch. He must have been waiting for me to arrive home but couldn't make the final hurdle. I decided to wake him as he'd kill me for letting him sleep there. Whenever he did, he would complain about a cramp in his neck for days after.

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