Chapter 37: Birthday Girl

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Months until the contract become null? Seven months!!!

Clary's POV

I stared at the calendar with wonder. I didn't know how fast the past three months had run, had disappeared on me. It was like time was wearing a jet pack, with the fastest fuel available and was passing by before I could even blink, even breathe.

I looked down at the sleeping man next to me . He looked peaceful, like he had no worries in his life. The usual knot in his brows whenever he was confused or thinking --which was most of the time -- or angry, was gone.

I smiled. I was smiling a lot these days, just as much I was worrying.

I didn't know why or how the three months had slipped by my sweaty fingers. I wanted more time.

Of course. It was the happiest days of my life, the most wonderful months, but I kept wondering when I would wake up. It almost felt like a dream. The happiness bursting inside me was only snuffed out by the reminder that this would not be forever. That they wouldn't be forever.

We are ending, but how can we?

As sun poured through the gap in my curtains, every morning, I woke up in Leon's warm embrace, just like today, feeling both happy and sad. Every morning I dreaded the coming train wreck.

And every night, I went to bed with Leon feeling like I belonged and when he slept, I closed my eyes with a twitch in my stomach that the day was over.

It was like torture, it was like I was a masochist, so hellbent on torturing and hurting myself, but I couldn't help it. I was my own enemy.

"Hey, stop looking at me, stalker." He smiled with a yawn. Even then, he looked handsome. It was illegal.

"I can't help it. I keep looking at you to find out what is really wrong with you."

"Nothing is wrong with me." He said with a frown.

"Well, I can't still believe it. So?"

"Whatever, Clarissa. Don't be so annoying. Oh, and be ready at six. We are going out to eat."

"What is special today?" I asked as I looked at him, wrinkling my eyes. He looked smug, like he knew something I didn't and I didn't like that. That cat just got the canary or whatever look he was sporting.

"Nothing. Can't I just take you out?" He asked, blinking up at me, looking all so innocent and cute, but I knew him. He was neither.

"No. You can't. So? Out with it already, Leon." I scowled.

"You haven't still gotten up from the bed and already started fighting with me. You are unbelievable, Clary. Unbelievable."

"Yeah, I know. So tell me."

"It is a surprise."

"If I call Lia or Layla, will they know?"

"You are such a- such a child. And to answer your question, no, they won't know."

"You are such a tyrant."

"Me or is that you?" He said as he stood up and stretched and yes, fortunately --or maybe it is unfortunately-- for me , I had the pleasure of seeing his lean and glorious body every morning and it was a real feast to my eyes.

He smirked as if he could hear my thoughts and shook his head with a grin. "Naughty. Naughty."

"Walk away." I said and he stood there with a smirk stretching on his plump lips that I had kissed over and over again until they were red just last night .

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