Chapter 32 : Bad surprises

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Leon's POV

After I was done showering, I wore a black turtleneck with my leather jacket and pulled out my favorite denim pants. Combing my fingers through my hair, I stared at myself in the mirror and shrugged. That was as casual as I could ever be.

When I walked out, she was already in the kitchen, scrambling eggs. She looked up and stopped as she stared at me.


"You look different."

"Good or bad different?" I smiled as I pulled out a chair for her and poured two cups of steaming coffee.

"Sexy different," she said in a matter-of-fact tone before she went back to her eggs.

That was something I liked about Clary. She was shy, yes, but she wasn't all games. When she wanted to say something, she said it without overthinking it or being coy or subtle. I loved how straightforward she could be.

"Thanks. You look okay yourself." I said and she threw a sliced pepper at me with a grumble. I caught it and took a bite out of it with a smile.

When we finished dinner, I walked her to the limo and I loved how her magical green eyes were sparkling with mirth when I opened the door for her.

"Whoa, this is fancy. So where are we going?" She asked as she leaned back on the leathery cushion. I pondered to think before I gave her a wink.


"Ugh, I don't like surprises very much. I kinda abhor it." She wrinkled her nose and I had this urge to tweak her nose. She looked too cute when she was annoyed.

When the limo stopped in front of the airport, she rolled her eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Are we going somewhere loud and glamorous for our honeymoon? Please tell me no."

"No." I shrugged. I grabbed our suitcase and rolled them inside as she followed me, peppering me with questions.

"Oh come on, stop asking." I said, when she asked for the hundredth time where we were going. "Woman, please."

"I really don't fare well with unanswered questions. They claw and claw on my insides, until I burst. It is going to happen and then you will be the one to blame."

"Ah, don't be so dramatic." I said.

"I am not. It is the truth. And if I burst, there will be no surprise anymore." She gave me that doe-eyed look that sometimes made me want to do things I would not typically do.. Like asking her to sleep with me even after she said no to sex. Like... Like marrying her.

"No, can't tell. You have to learn patience, Princess." I taunted as we walked in through security check. She rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath.

"Oh, wait." I said as I stopped and picked up my ringing phone.

Clary's POV

I watched as he stopped on the tracks. Just a minute ago, he looked so warm and naughty, but now the look was replaced with stark seriousness and cold aloofness. He was full on business mode now.

It was such a contrast, the two faces of his. He pointed me to sit and I didn't want to, but I took the seat, anyways, as he paced the room, looking like a caged tiger wanting to rip off its cage. He was saying something to the person on the other end in an angry whisper, but I couldn't hear anything.

Whatever the person had said might have irritated or angered him, because he looked like he wanted to punch through the walls.

He said something, and then shook his head as he stalked towards me.

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