Chapter 29 : Wedding day Pt.2

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Clary's POV

Layla pinned my hair back as Lia watched her like a hawk. "Good." She said after she adjusted the curls for what felt like the millionth time.

"Stop." Layla scowled at her sister. "I know what I am doing, Lia."

"I just want everything to be perfect for her."

"It is. Thanks you two." I smiled. They had stopped being Leon's sisters and had actually became my friends.

"Hey girls." Evelyn walked inside the room with a small smile. "Oh my God, you look so beautiful."

"Thank you." I smiled shyly up at her.

"My baby boy is so lucky." She said as she handed a box to me. "Here. For something old."

She handed me a small pin. It had a pearl on the side and small stones along the body. "This was my grandma's. Pin it on your hair."

"Oh, it is so beautiful. Thank you." I said as Layla pinned it on the side.

"You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. Except me, of course." Lia giggled and I shook my head.

"I feel like my leg is going to give up -I- i want to puke and cry and--" I whispered as I looked at myself in the mirror. As Lia said, I did look beautiful. But my heart was like a furious drum and my intestines were tying in on itself and I felt faint.

God, I am really doing this, aren't I?

It seems so.

"It is alright, Clary. That is how exactly you are supposed to feel when you are going to marry the man you love, the man who is yours." Evelyn said as she squeezed my shoulder.

I love him, yes, but he is not mine, is he?

"I want to seen him." I whispered. I wanted to see him, to make myself believe that this wasn't such a terrible mistake. Somehow I was sure that this would all go away if I just saw him for one last time. I hadn't seen him for almost three hours and the doubt was starting to creep in, slowly, steadily.

I nervously placed my palms on my stomach over my dress. It was a beautiful dress, and everything was beautiful, except this marriage was a sham.

They were lying to everyone. These two women who was trying their best to make this day perfect, I was lying to them and so was Leon and my parents . How could they?

The thought of the contract made me wince when Layla opened the door and picked out the bouquet.

"You can see him in twenty minutes. Please, Clary, it is alright." Layla said. "We are right here."

"Smile, babe." Lia said and I sat down when my legs started to tremble.

"Oh my God, if I faint and you have to call an ambulance, please tell Leon I said sorry." I whispered as I wiped her sweaty palms on the bedcover and my eyes start to tear up.

"Oh, come on." Layla chuckled when the sound of someone knocking on the door interrupted her and Layla went to open the door .

"Is it Leon ?"

"no it's me baby girl" I hear a big husky voice. Dad.

"What do you want?" I ask as I swipe my tears away.

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