Chapter 1 : The news

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Clary's POV:

I groan as I walk away from the water and towards my phone that is ringing.

Who the hell is interrupting my trip?

I looked at the caller and saw that it was my father. I roll my eyes and answer the phone.

"Hi dad, I'm okay; don't worry, and yes, I made sure to stay away from the paparazzi. There's no need to call every few minutes to check whether I was followed by paparazzi or not," I say as soon as I answer the call.

"Listen, Clary, that is not why I am calling you right now!" He was angry at my outburst.

"I'm sorry, dad," I say with a sigh. "Wait, but why are you calling me then?"

"I am calling because you need to come back home today. I already arranged the private jet, and it will be ready by 3 p.m."

"Can I know why?" I ask.

"We are having an important family over for dinner, and I have an announcement to make during that dinner, which you have to attend. That's all you have to know for now. I will tell you the rest when you arrive, ok?" He says

"Fine bye, dad."

"Bye," he says as I end the call.

I look back to my two best friends, Alexis and Malia, to see them staring at me with confused and questioning looks as I look at them apologetically and say,

"I am really sorry, but we have to go back. My father needs me for something that I don't know yet. We should just leave in about 2 hours."

"It's ok, Clary," Alexis says. "We know how demanding your father is when it comes to business."
I nodded, and we were just talking about random things on our way to my beach house to pack our things.

After 2 hours

We all packed our things and wore proper clothes, and now we are on our way to the private jet.
After about 10 minutes, we reach the private jet and get on, and the plane takes off. Me and my friends were sitting opposite each other when Malia said

"So why exactly are we going back so early?"

Well, I don't know the real reason, but my dad said that an important family is coming over for dinner tonight, and he needs me to be there because he has an important announcement to make during that dinner. That's all he said, but I just have a bad feeling about that dinner. " I tell them, and they nod.

After a couple of hours, we reach New York.

I went straight to our mansion to find both mom and dad sitting there waiting for me. I walk up to my mom and kiss her on the cheek, then do the same for my dad, and then walk to sit on the opposite seat.

So, dad, can I now know why you asked me to return early from my trip? I ask

Yes, dear, I will tell you, "he says as he looks at mom, who nods at him and puts her hand on his, squeezing it reassuringly. Well, you know how two years ago our company was struggling during the opening of our chain of hotels, so our profits started going down?"" he asked, and I nodded, remembering how he didn't want to take money from mom's company because she was expanding her fashion company in Paris.

Well, you also know how we found a company to help us, but they only agreed to do it if we paid them later on, so now they want us to cover our part of the agreement and they don't want money. They want you to marry their son; otherwise, they will take over the company, so I agreed. They are coming today for dinner to settle the agreement and set the date of the wedding, he said.

I was shocked and didn't know what to say.

"So I am getting married?" I asked, he nodded, and then I laughed.

"Wow, dad, that's very funny. I didn't know you could make jokes like that." I say as I continue to laugh.

"This is not a joke, Clary. You are getting married," he said seriously.

"WHAT ? I AM GETTING MARRIED? FOR REAL??!" I shouted, not believing what I just heard from my father.

"Calm down, my dear, please," dad said.

"Calm down? How can you ask me to fucking calm down after what you just said?"

"Watch your language, young lady," my mother scolded me, and it was the first thing she said since I entered the house.

"What is his name?" I said

"He is Leon, Leon Black!" My dad said

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