Chapter 14 : Getting Closer ?

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Clary's P.O.V.

He started showing me around the house. He first showed me the indoor pool.

"Wow, it's very nice. Okay, I am warning you now; if you can't find me in the house, you should know that I will be right there," I said, and he chuckled. "So what is next?"

"Next is the arcade room," he said as he led the way.

We then went to the arcade room, which was really huge but filled with everything you could imagine. Then we went to the library, and as soon as I entered, I fell in love. It was huge and consisted of two floors.

"It's so beautiful; I like reading so much, and I love sitting in such a quiet place, so I will be spending most of my time in here," I said as I took a book out to see it, then asked him to show me the gym. So we went to a room that was very close to his room. I am surprised I didn't notice it before. When we went inside, he

"This is where I work out every morning before I go to work," he said as he crossed his arms and leaned on the wall, which caused his muscles to flex, which caught my eye.

"I am surprised that it doesn't show on you." I teased him, and he looked shocked.

"Can't you see these muscles, babe?" he said as he flexed his arms in front of me, and I shook my head. So he did something that surprised me , he took off his shirt right in front of me.

"Tell me now, don't you see these packs and abs?" He said that, which made me look at his packs and abs.

Damn, I was shamelessly checking him out!

But honestly, he was hot, like a sexy Greek god.

Oh my god, look at those abs and his eight packs, down to his.....


"Take a picture; it will last longer!" he said, laughing.

"You know what, I will," I said.

"You will what?" he asked, confused.

"Take a picture," I said, taking out my phone. "Now pose"

He grinned as he posed for me to take the picture, which made me laugh.

"Now come on, wear your shirt, and let's go," I said as I tossed him his shirt, which he caught gracefully and started putting on, and I stood there watching him and watching his arms and abs flex.

I just want to touch them.


Or maybe run my tongue over them.

Oh god, I have to stop these thoughts.

After that, he showed me the rest of the rooms, and the last stop was the theatre.

"Let me say that I'm truly impressed with the house." I said, "You have a nice taste."

"Thank you, my lady," he said in a weird British accent that made me laugh, and he laughed along with me.

"Now tell me what movie you want to watch." He asked me

"I don't know, anything you'd like." I said, shrugging.

"Ok, first let's go make some popcorn and get some candy from the kitchen," he said, and he grabbed my hands and dragged me to the kitchen, and I kept looking at our entwined hands.

I think I like the way our hands fit together.

Anyhow, when we reached the kitchen, he started making the popcorn, and I started getting the candy. When he was finished with the popcorn, we started getting back to the theatre, and when we reached there, he put on a movie.

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