Chapter 12 : Flashbacks and realizations

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Clary's P.O.V:

I started to wake up with a very bad headache. But there's something not right; the pillow is kind of hard and smells really nice, so I start sniffing it again when it vibrates, and that is so strange. So I opened my eyes to see why it was vibrating, only to find that, in fact, it wasn't a pillow; it was Leon's chest. I gasped and moved away from him quickly.

"Were you just sniffing me?" he asked while laughing, and I blushed and turned away from him as his eyes roamed my body. "My shirt looks good on you," he said, and I looked down to see that I was really wearing his shirt.

Wait a minute

I'm half naked and wearing his shirt, and he is half naked and in my bed.

Oh my god ! Oh my god!

"Wait a minute! Did we...? Umm, what happened last night?" I asked, and he looked at me confused.

"What do you mean? You don't remember..." he asked with a look of disappointment and a hint of sadness that quickly disappeared, and I shake my head.

"Oh, my goodness! Did we...?" I asked and pointed between the two of us.

" Oh god ! Of course not, Clary! Do you think so little of me? "Would I have sex with you when you are drunk?" ", he asked, shocked and slightly enraged. "Just for your own knowledge, I would never do such a thing, Clary."

" I'm sorry ok ? It's just because both of us are half-naked and you were sleeping in my bed, so I was slightly worried, so I just wanted to make sure." I said, and he nodded, "My head hurts so much."

"Just go take a shower while I prepare breakfast for both of us," he said and walked out.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower when I started thinking

Why did he ask me if I didn't remember anything from last night and seem sad when he knew I didn't?

I honestly don't remember most of it, but the last thing I remember is sitting with Cole on the bar when Leon approached and wanted to fight Cole, and then he apologized and then called me beautiful, but I can't really remember what happened after that.

I need to remember!

After I took the shower and wore some decent clothes, yoga pants, and a crop top. I went down to see Leon in the kitchen, and the food smells delicious.

"Wow, it smells delicious," I said to him, and he turned around and smiled at me.

"Thank you," he said. "Take this aspirin; it will help with the headache."

I look at the counter to see the pill on the counter and the glass of water next to it. I nod, and he turns around and continues making breakfast. I took this time to check him out; he looks like he took a shower as well, and he is wearing a new, clean t-shirt with a pair of sweatpants. I also admire how the t-shirt hugs his huge muscles and how good he looks.

When he turned around suddenly, he said, "Take a picture; it will last longer."

I look at him to see him smirking, and that just makes me roll my eyes, and then I pick up the pill and down it with some water.

Don't look so confident. "I was just thinking about something else," I said.

"Oh, really?" he asked, and I nodded. "I have a feeling that you are lying."

"No, why would I lie about something like that? You are not even that attractive," I said, and he raised his eyebrows at me.

"I think I like drunk Clary more; at least she is honest," he said as he shrugged and continued cooking.

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