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Their next lesson was care of magical creatures, a lesson that Rosalyn, along with lots of others, had been looking forward to. She was so happy that Hagrid was teaching, but she still hadn't forgotten what had happened last lesson as she climbed down the ladder amongst whispers and hisses. She ignored them the best she could, but some of them were hard to.

"The grim? Seriously Potter?"

"How'd you manage to do that? In our first lesson as well!"

"Are you going to die?"

"Round of applause for Rosalyn Potter she's close to death again!"

Rosalyn rolled her eyes and muttered, "idiots," under her breath.

Other people had met up with their friends who hadn't been in the class, and were telling them all about it.

"...And Rosalyn, you know, Rosalyn Potter, she got the grim! The omen of death!"

"...And she might die!"

"...What if she does?"

"Once you've all stopped talking about whether I'm going to die or not," said Rosalyn loudly, losing her temper.

Ron, Hermione and Harry all said, "Rosalyn..." But their friend marched on ahead of them, annoyed to the limit.

She marched out the front doors of the castle, striding longer than she ever had before, but her friends were running, and they soon caught up with her, all being careful not to rouse her explosive temper again.

Ron said uncertainly. "You don't think that grim thing's got anything to do with Sirius Black, has it?"

Hermione replied matter of factly, of course. "Oh honestly Ron, divination's a very wooly discipline if you ask me. Now, ancient runes, that's a fascinating subject-"

Ron cut across Hermione's rant. "Ancient runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking this term?"

"A fair few," said Hermione. Rosalyn surveyed her, knowing that there was something she wasn't telling them, and wanting to find it out. But all Hermione did was swallow and out her hand on her chest.

However, whilst Rosalyn was sniffing out the bluff looking at Hermione, Ron was doing it a different way. "Hang on, that's not possible, ancient runes is on at the same time as divination, you'd have to be in two classes at once!"

Hermione just brushed it off. "Don't be silly Ronald how could anyone be in two classes at once?" She started to walk ahead of them so that, Rosalyn perceived, they couldn't see her face, she started to mock Trelawney, to draw the attention off her timetable, "Broaden your minds! Use your inner eye to see the future!"

She gave a cackle-like laugh and Rosalyn laughed unsurely with the boys. Soon, they reached solid ground and stopped outside Hagrid's cabin, where he was with some of the class.

Rosalyn walked up to him and said a few words of encouragement. "Good luck, Hagrid, I hope you do great!"

Hagrid beamed at Rosalyn and she went back to Harry, Ron and Hermione. She saw Draco Malfoy arrive and sighed, but she didn't want to let it spoil her lesson.

When Hagrid saw that all the class was there (Draco was last to arrive) he started the lesson. "Come now- gather roun'- come closer, yeah, come- less talkin' if yeh don't mind. Now, I've gotta real treat fer yeh today, a great lesson, so follow me."

He led them into the Forbidden Forest. Some people, like Parvati and Lavender, were a bit apprehensive about going in there, and stopped in their tracks as soon as they got to the edge. Rosalyn rolled her eyes and they scowled at her.

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