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Kill... KILL...

Rosalyn woke up to this noise, and looked around, up at the ceiling, she couldn't see anything, so she looked down again.


She jumped out of her skin at-

"Dobby! What're you doing here?"

"Rosalyn Potter should have listened to Dobby, Rosalyn Potter, should have gone home when she missed the train."

"It was you," Rosalyn realised. "You stopped the barrier from letting Harry, Ron and me through."

"Indeed," Dobby said regretfully.

"You almost got us expelled," Rosalyn hissed at the house elf.

"At least you would be away from school, Miss, Rosalyn Potter must go home. Dobby thought his bludger would be enough to make Rosalyn Potter see that!"

"Your bludger? You made that bludger chase after me?" Said Rosalyn angrily.

"Dobby feels most aggrieved, Miss, Dobby had to iron his hands," he showed Rosalyn his heavily bandaged hands, and if she wasn't so angry, she might have felt sorry for the elf, but she was, so she didn't give any thought to his pain.

"You better clear off before my bones come back Dobby, or I might strangle you."

Dobby gave a cry and jumped off the bed. Rosalyn climbed out herself and began to follow him round the bed.

"Dobby is used to death threats, Miss, Dobby gets them five times a day at home," Dobby was making no effort to stay quiet.

Rosalyn suddenly asked, "I don't suppose you're going to tell me why you're trying to kill me?"

"Not kill you, Miss, never kill you," Dobby retreated further round the bed and Rosalyn, never taking her eyes off the house elf, followed him. "Dobby remembers what it was like before Rosalyn and Harry Potter triumphed over he who must not be named, we house elves were treated like vermin, of course, Dobby is still treated like vermin."

He started to sob, and clutched his burnt hands to his eyes. He blew his carrot-like nose on his pillowcase and Rosalyn sighed.

"Why do you were that thing Dobby?"

"This, Miss, t'is a mark of the house elf enslavement, Dobby can only be freed if his master presents him with clothes-"

There was suddenly as sound of footsteps down the corridor, and Dobby jumped onto the bed and whisper-yelled. "Listen, listen! Terrible things are about to happen at Hogwarts, Rosalyn Potter must not stay here, not now that history is about to repeat itself!"

Rosalyn's eyes narrowed, "repeat itself, you mean this has happened before?"

Right then, Dobby did a Hagrid, covering his hands with his bandaged hands. "Oh, oh! I shouldn't've said that!" He took the bottle of skelegrow and started hitting himself with it, shouting. "Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!"

Rosalyn fought with him to get the bottle out his hands, and when she did, she put it back on her bedside table, seriously worried about the noise they were making. But that didn't stop her asking.

"Tell me Dobby, when did this happen before, who's doing it now?"

"Dobby cannot say, Miss. Dobby only wants Rosalyn Potter to be safe."

"No Dobby, tell me, who is it?"

But just like before, the house elf clicked his fingers and vanished from hers. Rosalyn wanted to know more, but those plans were put paid to when she saw shadows coming along the corridor, she hastened to lie down and hit the bed as she heard voices and several people entered the hospital wing.

𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔 ☆ 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now