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Rosalyn became aware that she was lying on the forest floor, half of her face pressed into it. She heard Bellatrix fussing over Voldemort, and him shoving her away, then she heard someone coming over to her. A comment from Bellatrix told her it was Narcissa Malfoy.

"Come on, Cissy, check if she's dead!"

Narcissa leant low over Rosalyn, turning her back to the death eaters. "Is he alive?" She barely whispered, but Rosalyn could hear every word. "Draco, is he alive? Is he in the castle?"

I'll tell you if you tell them I'm dead, Rosalyn thought. However, she did nod her head. She felt Narcissa stand up and begged her not to give her away.


Rosalyn could have celebrated right then and there, if she hadn't been playing dead.

Voldemort made a noise of joy. "Then we must announce it! Hagrid, you carry her- they need to be able to see her red hair-"

Rosalyn felt Hagrid's big arms pick her up, and for that moment, she was just glad that the person carrying her wasn't a death eater.

The procession continued out of the forest, up the grounds, across the bridge and into the courtyard. Rosalyn's heart ached as she heard Neville's voice.

"Who's that Hagrid's carrying?"

They already knew. Him, Ron, Harry and Hermione.

When they got close enough, and the death eaters were on one side, the order, DA, students and teachers on the other, Voldemort announced joyfully.

"Rosalyn Potter... is dead!"

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville's voices were much worse than Hagrid's.

"Silence!" Voldemort shouted. "You stupid people. Rosalyn Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith... in me."

They weren't going to do that.

Voldemort turned to the death eaters. "Rosalyn Potter is dead!"

There were great cheers and laughs.

"And now is the time to declare yourselves!" Voldemort shouted. "Come forward and join us... or die."

There was a pause before Lucius Malfoy spoke up. "D-Draco..."

"Draco," came Narcissa's warmer voice. "Come."

Rosalyn heard Draco move, and Voldemort welcome him, but she zoned out until she heard him speak again.

"And who might you be, young man?"

"Neville Longbottom," Rosalyn heard the shame in his voice. It lit a fire in her stomach as death eaters laughed.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find some place for you in our ranks," Voldemort sounded reluctant.

"I'd like to say something," Neville raised his voice, clinging onto the sorting hat that lay in his hands.

Voldemort paused. "Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be interested in what you'd like to say."

Neville paused. "It doesn't matter that Rosie's gone."

"Stand down, Neville," Rosalyn heard Seamus speak up.

"People die everyday," Neville turned to him side. "Fred... Remus... Tonks... we lost Rosie tonight. But she's still with us... in here," he pointed to his heart. "They didn't die in vain," he turned to Voldemort. "But you will! Cause you're wrong! Rosie's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over!"

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