Start from the beginning

"But you heard McGonagall!" Harry said.

"Yeah, we're not allowed to leave the tower except for class!" Ron added.

Rosalyn had a twinkle of mischief in her eye and a slight smirk on her face. "I think it's time to get our dad's old cloak out again."

They ran down to Hagrid's in the cloak, worried for him more than anyone could imagine. They reached his oak door and Rosalyn knocked.

They heard Hagrid say, from inside. "Who's there, hello?"

He opened the door and was confused about who had knocked. He was also holing a crossbow. Rosalyn removed the cloak from them so he could see them.

"What's that for?" Asked Rosalyn, referring to the weapon in Hagrid's hands.

"Oh that, I- I was expectin', umm- doesn't matter. Anyway, come in, I jus' made a cup o' tea."

Hagrid led them inside and picked up the kettle, filling a teacup so that it overflowed. "Hagrid, are you okay?" Rosalyn was concerned for her giant friend.

"Me? Oh, I'm- I'm fine."

"Did you hear about Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Oh yeah, I heard abou' that alrigh'."

"Look, listen, we have to ask you something," Rosalyn paused, yes, she had prepared for this, but if he hadn't done it, it was accusing him outright, so she went for the less direct approach. "Do you know who's opened the chamber of secrets?"

Hagrid sighed. "What you have to understand abou' that is-"

There was a tap on the door and Hagrid said hastily. "The cloak, put the cloak on now!"

Rosalyn chucked it over all of them and then they backed into a corner. Because even if the cloak prevented you from being seen, you could be heard and felt if the people who wanted to find you came near enough.

As of this, they heard the whole conversation as Hagrid opened the door.

"Professor Dumbledore, Minister!"

"Good evening, Hagrid, do you mind if we-"

"O' course, o' course! Come in!"

As he led them inside, Rosalyn saw Dumbledore, same as always with his white beard and twinkling eyes, and another man, one with black robes and a bowler hat. Ron said to the other two in a whisper. "That's dad's boss! Cornelius Fudge! Minister for Magic!"

The Minister spoke at that very moment. "Bad business, Hagrid, very bad business, had to calm three attacks on muggle borns, things have got far enough the Ministry's got to act."

"B-b-but I never!" Hagrid stumbled in his words. "P-Professor you know I never!"

"I want it understood, Cornelius," Dumbledore said softly. "That Hagrid has my full confidence."

Cornelius Fudge had immediately got on the wrong side of Rosalyn, wanting to imprison Hagrid, so when he acted sorry for the giant she didn't believe a word. "Professor, Hagrid's record is against him, I've got to take him."

"Take me? Take me where? Not Azkaban prison!"

Rosalyn looked at Harry and Ron, and Ron hissed to Harry. "Azkaban is our prison, foolproof for escapes!"

"I'm afraid we have no choice, Hagrid..."

Just then the door opened and revealed Lucius Malfoy. He looked more disgusting than ever, and Rosalyn was filled with even more hatred.

"Already here, Fudge? Excellent..."

"What're you doin' 'ere?" Hagrid told the idiot. "Get outta my house!"

"Believe me," Lucius Malfoy said, a sneer laced in his voice. "I take absolutely no pleasure in being inside your-" he walked towards the unseen trio and they backed away, but he stopped to examine Hagrid's living quarters, as if it was any of his business anyway "-Goodness you call this a house?"

Rosalyn wanted to punch him just like she had his son.

He continued promptly. "No. I simply called at the school and was told the headmaster was here."

"Now what exactly is it that you, want with me?" Dumbledore asked nicely, but with an edge.

Malfoy answered curtly. "The other governors and I have decided it is time for you to step aside." Hagrid gasped and Dumbledore looked politely incredulous, Malfoy held up a roll of parchment. "This is an order of suspension, you will find all twelve signatures on there." He handed the parchment to Dumbledore and he took it. "I'm afraid we feel you've... lost your touch. And what with all these attacks, why, there'll be no muggle borns left at Hogwarts, and one can only imagine what an awful loss that would be..."

"Yeah, and he totally thinks that," Rosalyn hissed, outraged, to Harry and Ron.

"You can't take Dumbledore away!" Hagrid protested. "Take him away and the muggle borns won't stand a chance! Mark my words there'll be killins' next!"

"You think so..." Malfoy purred, Rosalyn bit her tongue hard to stop herself from shouting out.

"Calm yourself, Hagrid," Dumbledore was, in Rosalyn's opinion, way to calm to be in a situation that was suspension. "If the governors desire my, removal, then I will, of course, step aside."

He stepped towards Lucius, almost challenging him. "However, you will find, that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it."

Lucius slowly turned round, his eyes flitting towards where Rosalyn, Harry and Ron were stood, but he turned back quickly and went back to verbally abusing Dumbledore. "Admirable sentiments... shall we?"

He opened the door and motioned for Dumbledore to follow him. Rosalyn swore, for a second, that she saw Dumbledore wink at her, could he see under invisibility cloaks?

He and Lucius left and now only Fudge and Hagrid remained, Fudge said. "Come along," to Hagrid.

But Hagrid seemed reluctant to leave, he cleared his throat and said. "Well - erm - if anyone was looking for some stuff, then all they'd have to do would be to follow the spiders, tha's right, follow the spiders." Fudge looked at him as if he was mad, but the three under the cloak knew exactly what was happening. Hagrid was giving them a clue. "Yup, that'll lead 'em right, okay, I'll come now..." Fudge followed him, Hagrid saying along the way. "And someone'll have to feed Fang when I'm away..."

Once everyone was out and they're ere alone in the cabin, Rosalyn took the cloak off.

Ron said. "Hagrid's right, with Dumbledore gone, there'll be an attack a day!"

But Rosalyn said. "Look..." and pointed to a line of spiders going out the window. Harry and Ron followed her gaze and they all knew that these were the spiders they had to follow.

Harry and Rosalyn walked towards the door, Rosalyn said. "Ron, if you're too scared to join this-"

"I'm fine!" Said Ron a little too loudly, but Rosalyn just laughed, works every time.

She took a lantern off the wall and lit it, Harry told Fang to come and the four of them set off. They went out the door and Rosalyn saw the spiders skuttling down the other side of the brick. They headed into the Forbidden Forest. Rosalyn swallowed.

"Come on!"

"What?" Ron was shaking.

"You heard what Hagrid said, 'Follow the spiders!' "

"But they're headed to the Dark Forest!"

Rosalyn looked at Ron, then Harry, then hiked over the pumpkin patch to the forest. Ron was mumbling-wailing under his breath behind her.

"Why spiders? Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?"

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