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"Wow, can you turn him around, Rosalyn?"

"No, Colin get out the way!" Rosalyn burst out, picking Ron up, Hermione helped and they managed to get him up.

"We'll take him to Hagrid's," Rosalyn suggested. "He'll know what to do!"

But, before they left, she walked straight up to Draco Malfoy and put her want underneath his chin.

"Right, listen to me," she said threateningly. "You ever call Hermione or any muggle-born that again and my fist will be connecting to your nose, got it?"

Malfoy, who's eyes were wide, nodded slightly.

Rosalyn smirked. "That's what I thought."

Then she ran off after her friends to Hagrid's.

They quickly got to their giant friend's hut, more slugs coming out of Ron's mouth on the way. Hagrid helped alot, bringing Ron a bucket.

"This calls for specialist equipment," he joked, swinging the bucket onto Ron's knee. "Nothin' to do but wait till it stops, I'm afraid." Ron spat out some more slugs, "better out than in, so, who was he tryin' to curse anyway?"

Malfoy," Harry said regretfully. "He called Hermione a- I don't know exactly what it means."

Rosalyn did know, but she didn't want to say. Hermione got up and walked away, to the other end of the cabin, Rosalyn knew she didn't want anyone to see her, her eyes were teary, and she had her arms tightly crossed.

"He called me a mudblood."

Hagrid gasped. "He did not!"

"What's a mudblood?" Harry was confused.

Hermione whipped her head round. "It means dirty blood. Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who's muggle born, someone who had muggle parents, someone like me." she leaned back against the table. "It's not a term one usually hears in civilised conversation."

"See Harry, there's some wizarding families, like the Malfoy's, who think they're better than everyone else because they're what you call 'pure blood.' " Hagrid sighed, the last two words he said were said sarcastically.

"That's horrible!" Harry said, his eyes wide.

Ron vomited a particularly large slug, and said, "it's disgusting," in a sick voice.

"And it's codswallop," Hagrid said. "Dirty blood, there isn't a wizard today that isn't half-blood or less. More to the point, they're yet teh think of a spell that out Hermione can't do." Hermione smiled slightly, through her glistening eyes as Hagrid took her hand in his dustbin lid ones. "Don' you think on it Hermione, don' you think on it fer one minute, eh?"

Hermione was smiling alot more than slightly now. Harry, Rosalyn and Ron looked at eachother in satisfaction. Hagrid could cheer anyone up.


Detention with Lockhart. Seriously?

At lunch, Harry, Ron and Rosalyn had been told what their detentions would consist of. Ron was cleaning trophies with Filch, Harry was helping McGonagall untransfigure a project gone wrong, and Rosalyn, well, she was with Lockhart, answering his fanmail. Apparently, he hadn't taken her insults seriously. The three of them all felt like they'd been misplaced.

"I could do your job," said Harry miserably. "I've had loads of practice with the Dursley's, honestly, McGonagall'll have me in for ages..."

"And I'd do yours," Rosalyn sighed, looking at Harry, "I like transfiguration, and McGonagall likes me, but Lockhart, he'll be a nightmare..."

𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔 ☆ 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora