Capter 63 Stopping Wanda

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Strange: Look, I'm sorry you couldn't save your own universe, but maybe, you could help to save mine?

Sinister Strange: Are you happy, Stephen?

Strange: What?

Sinister Strange: Are you happy, Stephen? It's the question that... Christine Palmer asked me at her wedding. I said, "yes, of course, I'm happy. I'm a sorcerer with the power of gods. What man wouldn't be happy?" Then I, came back to this god darn haunted house. Sat down... and wondered why I'd lied. I never meant for any of this to happen. I was looking for a world where things were different. Where I had Christine. Where I was... happy. But I didn't find it. All I found were more of us. So, I did those Stephens a favor. You ever had that dream where you're falling, as if you've been pushed off a tall building? That was probably me.

The second Strange reveals a third eye.

Sinister Strange: The Darkhold exacts a heavy toll.

Strange: Okay. All the more reason to give it a rest, so let me have it.

Sinister Strange: Here's the deal. I'll let you use the Darkhold... if you give me your Christine.

Strange: Yeah... I don't think she's gonna go for that.

Sinister Strange: No? Didn't think so.

Strange throws a lasso at the Darkhold but Sinister Strange grabs it and launches Strange backwards into a wall and he starts to use his powers on piano notes and shoots the notes at his counterpart as the other Strange does so as well. They both start to counter each other's attacks until Sinister Strange was about to use the Darkhold until Strange played one more note and it combined with the others, and it launched both Strange backwards and Sinister Strange lands outside and gets impaled on the gate. Strange got up and started to use the Darkhold to find America and Y/N and sees Wanda using her powers as America screams.

Strange: Hang on. We're coming.

He flips through the pages until he finds the one, he needed and starts to use a spell.

Christine 2: What are you doing with the Darkhold? Are you going to dreamwalk?

Strange: Slightly more than just dreamwalking.

Christine 2: All you Stranges, you're the same.

Strange: I know. You're right. We are all the same. But right now, that kid needs me, and I can't do any of this without your help. While I'm under, I need you to protect my body, in case they attack me for trespassing.

Christine 2: Who's "they"?

Strange: The Souls of the Damned.

Christine 2: Okay. But doesn't a version of you need to live in that universe? So that you can dreamwalk into them.

Strange: Who said they have to be living?

Strange dreamwalks in the other Strange's corpse that was buried and opened a portal to America and Y/N. he started to walk as he sees the Souls of the Damned.

Souls of the Damned: Stephen Strange, possessing a dead body is forbidden! Cease your dreamwalk, and face the eternal consequences.

They start to attack Strange.

Christine 2: Stephen!

Christine starts to check on him.

Christine 2: Don't let me go. Stephen? Hang on. Hang on, hang on. Where are you?

She looks into his eyes and sees one of the souls come out and she struggles against it as more come out. Christine then sees what she needs.

Christine 2: Brazier of Bom'Galiath.

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