Pain - MS47

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"Y/N, you ready?" Mick asked, opening the bedroom door. You were still in the position you had been in when he'd gone downstairs to have breakfast.

You didn't feel like today's theme park trip.

"You go, Mick. Esteban can have my ticket. I don't think I can go." you told him. "What's wrong? I know theme parks aren't your favourite thing but I thought you were looking forwards to this." he said. "I was, but, erm, something's come up." you said.

It clicked it Mick's mind what you were referring to.

"You know, what? We'll go to the theme park another time. It's supposed to rain or something and I can't be bothered to get soaked today." he told you. He grabbed one of his hoodies out of the cupboard and passed it to you before climbing into bed next to you.

The pain wasn't unbearable but it was enough to bother you. You didn't want to leave the house. You just wanted to curl up in Mick's arms and have a lazy day.

"I love you, Mick." you told him. "I love you, too." he said. You both soon dazed back off to sleep. You had Mick's hoodies tightly cuddled in your arms. The familiar smell was something you loved. It was a reminder of someone you loved.

You were woken by sharp shooting pains which always seemed to catch you off guard. You'd think 'it doesn't seem to bad this time' then bam, your hit with them.

You took a few deep breaths whilst scanning the room for your heat up bear. Two minutes in the microwave, then warmth which seemed to radiate everywhere.

It had been a christmas present from Michael and Corinna a few years back and you loved it.

Mick stirred with you still trying to take deep breaths to push through the few minutes of shooting pains.

"I'll go heat up your bear." he told you. You appreciated everything Mick did but when your period came around, you realised just how amazing he was.

You picked up the duvet and decided to go downstairs. Mick never got a chance to see Barbie when it was at the cinema and now that it had come onto streaming services, he was desperate to watch it but only wanted to do it with you.

As you reached the bottom of the stairs, Mick was just shutting the microwave and trying to make the bear as warm as possible.

"Barbie?" you suggested. An excited smile came across his face.

The pair of you snuggled up on the sofa. You placed the warm bear across your lower stomach. Mick found Barbie. It was just you two and you were enjoying the movie.

The end of the movie came and Mick had tears in his eyes.

"Is that really how it is?" he asked you. He knew about the patriarchy and his Mum had taught him values which meant he was in awe of women and anybody who went through a period.

"Sometimes. Like I remember being a kid and there was some news about the gender pay gap. I'd never even realised it existed before but I had to face the fact at 10 years old, that I would never be paid the same as a man, even if I did the same job, or sometimes, in a job that had a higher position. It was scary." you told him. 

He wrapped around his arms around you.

"I'm so sorry." he said. "It is not your doing. You have always made me feel valued and if we were to ever have a daughter, she would be so lucky." you said. 

"How do you do that though? Like how did my mum raise me and my sister the same and do it with a smile but she already knew that Gina would never be treated the same? That's so scary. I don't know if I can do that." he told you.

"Of course you can. It's changing. We're not taking it anymore. Most teenage girls will happily tell a teenage boy what's what and stand up for themselves. You just have to raise strong girls, who know how to stand up for themselves, and have the right values." you said, leaning your head on his shoulder.

"Just..." Mick laughed.

The room then fell into content silence.

"Thank you for today, Mick." you whispered. "Hey, when your in pain, I'd rather be here than off somewhere else." he said.

You loved Mick so much and you could honestly see forever in him. You could see a future and that made you feel safe. Mick was a safe place.

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