Pre-husband - PG10

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You lay in bed staring up at the ceiling with your boyfriend next to you, as he scrolled through instagram. There was a silence between you. It wasn't awkward or tense, you were just both doing your seperate things. You didn't mind it.

"What do you imagine your life will be like in 5 years?" you asked him, breaking the silence. He furrowed his eyebrows and turned his phone off. You'd never asked before which made him think something was wrong. He approached it carefully.

"I imagine that I'll be married to you and we'll live in a house with a massive garden, dogs, horses, goats, chickens and most importantly, kids. Maybe 4 or 5 kids. I don't really think about if they're boys or girls but I'd like one of them to have Anthoine as a middle name. I don't think I'd want them karting but as long as they are happy and healthy, I'll be happy and forever proud of them." he told you. He really had planned it all out but it seemed a bit too much, especially if it was just going to be you most of the time.

"5 kids?" you questioned. You'd never really thought about how many kids you'd want but 5 seemed like a lot, especially considering Pierre's career. Not that you didn't want it, to be truthful, you wanted nothing but it. It was what you dreamt about whilst he was away, in your dreams and when people asked what you wanted from your future.

5 little pairs of feet running around the house, giggles erupting and the tiny little clothes. You couldn't wait to be watching them play while you folded tiny little shirts and rolling up mini socks. The thought of it melted your heart.

"Yeah, growing up with 4 brothers was great. It had its ups and downs but I'd never change it for anything. I want my kids to have it, the inseparable bond, the sleepovers in each-other's room, the dens made from the kitchen table, summers playing outside for hours on end, all of it." he told you.

"Why'd you ask?" he added. "I just wanted to check and I was right." you said. "About what?" he asked. "That you're a pre-husband." you told him. Pierre was getting more and more confused by the second.

"A pre-husband is a boyfriend that one day you'll marry and have a life with. I don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be my pre-husband. I want kids in the next two or three years, you know." you added, clearing his mind. He certainly did want that with you.

"Then that's me. Your pre-husband." he said. It made your heart fill with joy. "I want the house with the big garden, the little tiny feet, the little tiny giggles and the little tiny clothes that I know you want so badly. I want it all with you. The perfect wedding, with everybody there, the white dress, all of it." he added.

It felt like you were smiling from eye to eye. There really wasn't anything more you could wish for in a boyfriend. He was everything you'd wished for since you were a kid, and more.

"I love you, Pierre." you told him. "I love you, too." he said.

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