Late Night Talking - TP5

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The sun that shone brightly through the half-pulled-across-curtains woke you and was yet another reminder that Theo wasn't home, laying next to you. 

You were the sort of person that needed complete darkness to sleep yet you often forgot to close the curtains properly. However, when you did forget, and Theo was home, he would close them, without saying a word to take credit. You'd never asked him to do it, he just wanted you to sleep well.

God, you missed that man so much. 

It felt like nothing that either of you could do would be able to keep you and Theo together for more that 4 days at a time. Both of you always had to be in one place or another. The struggle you faced now, always made you worry more about the days when Theo would be in F1.

You reached for your phone and saw that it was 9am, meaning that it was 11pm over in Melbourne. The urge inside of you was pushing for you to call him but you knew it wasn't the sensible choice. Theo liked to be asleep by 9:30pm on nights before he would get in the car. Qualifying was tomorrow so calling him would be selfish.

Despite this, you were desperate to call Theo and he was always happy to hear you so, after debating the call in your mind for almost 20 minutes, you called him.

"Sorry for calling late, I just needed to hear your voice." you said, the moment Theo answered the call. You were eager to assure him that you weren't in any imminent danger. "It okay, Y/N." he told you. "Just talk, Theo. I don't mind about what but I don't have anything to talk about and I need to hear you and please." you told him, beginning to ramble.

"Um, okay, let me tell you all about my day, right from the beginning. To start, I woke up at eight thirty. I had melon, strawberry yoghurt and a boiled egg for breakfast. 

"I then headed to the track for practice and did some media stuff for YouTube. I met a little french boy who was also called Theo and wants to be a racing driver so I got permission from Sebastien and showed him round the garage, which by judging from the smile on his face, was a dream come true. 

"I didn't do too bad in either practice and then I came back here to do some very important netflix watching. For dinner I had salmon, rice and these broccoli looking things but I don't know what they were. I sat with Arthur at dinner and he told me that he's planning some cool things that he wants my help with but I'll tell you that on Tuesday." he told you.

Hearing his voice was just what you needed.

"I can't wait to see you on Tuesday." you told him. "Neither can I. I'm going to hug you so tight and never let go." he said. "I love you, T." you said. "I love you too, Y/N." he added.

The pair of you spent another half an hour talking before you encouraged Theo to hang up and to sleep in preparation for tomorrow but he just wanted to spend time with you so, you pretended that you were breaking up and couldn't hear him. You then waited in anticipation to hear from him again, unsure of when it would be.

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