Family Time - EO31

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Y/N woke up from what felt like the best nap in a long time. Having 2 toddlers didn't make it a thing she did often. She looked over at her clock. 3:45. This meant she'd slept for almost 2 hours and Esteban had managed to keep the twins, Louie and Margot, entertained for that long.

Y/N couldn't hear the noise of the twins or Esteban or any noise at all which both confused and concerned her so she got out of bed and pulled one of Esteban's hoodies over her before making her way downstairs. As soon as she turned the corner she saw the sweetest sight.

All 3 of them were fast asleep with Spiderman: Homecoming playing on the telly. The twins were sat either side of Esteban, both leaning on his side with their teddies in hand. Esteban's head was leant on the back of the sofa as small snores escaped his mouth. Y/N couldn't help but snap a quick photo of the trio.

Esteban was the best dad to the twins and it filled Y/N with joy to see. His love for superheroes had spread to both Louie and Margot with them frequently playing dress-up as superheroes. 

The start of the twins' lives hadn't been easy on them or you and Esteban. They'd been born 7 weeks early which scared the hell out of both of you, and neither of them weighed more than 3lb. Both were on ventilators and fighting for their lives.

It was not made any easier by the fact that Alpine only let Esteban miss 2 races. The twins were 3 weeks old and still severely unwell when he had to return to work.

The motorsport world rallied behind you and Esteban and eventually when the twins were 7 weeks old, the FIA told Alpine that Esteban had to have as much time as he needed off with the children. There was 5 races left in the season, so he took them all with Jack Doohan filling his spot.

During the time that Esteban was still racing, Louie was diagnosed with a heart defect and had to have surgery. Margot then had pneumonia which meant you were beyond struggling. You couldn't imagine what it was like for Esteban being away from it all and not being able to do anything.

After 3 months, Margot was home and then 2 months after that, so was Louie. Nothing about it was plain sailing but it was nice to have everyone home.

2 years later, the twins were doing well. Louie had had no more issues with his heart and the pair of them were similar to your average 2 year olds. You knew that it was likely that things would arise in the next 3 years but it was one step at a time.

Louie was Esteban's mini-me and Margot was yours. Esteban was such a hands on dad. He loved to play with them and would go along with whatever the twins wanted to do. The twins wanted to play dress-up, let's do it. The twins wanted to call Uncle Pierre, let's do it. The twins wanted to bake cupcakes, let's think about it.

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