Arms of a Stranger - GR63

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Your boyfriend felt like a stranger as he held you in his arms. You understood that the careers you had meant that it wasn't often you could be together but you'd never expected it to get like this. You just assumed that you'd be able to deal with it but that just wasn't the case.

You couldn't remember the last time you'd gone to a family gathering together or just had a day relaxing in each-other's arms. There was always someplace one of you had to be or a call you had to take. It was beginning to tear you apart, piece by piece. Those were things you wanted to look forwards to with George, seeing him with your little cousins, watching bad films together or just spending time with each-other's families.

Don't get it wrong, you still loved your boyfriend beyond comprehension but your love felt strained. You felt uncomfortable here and in the end, after some toing and froing, decided to grab a blanket and sleep on the sofa. As you pulled the duvet off of you, he spoke.

"Are you ok?" George asked. "Yeah, fine." you told him, your answer coming out blunter than you'd anticipated. "Ok, come back soon. I miss you already." he said. A small smile came across your face but your mind was set. You made your way to the sofa and laid down, soon falling asleep.

Soon enough, morning came. You woke to the sun gently beaming through the patio windows and the smell of bacon. George didn't notice you wake so you just lay there taking in the world.

"Morning." he eventually said. "Morning." you replied. The silence fell again.

"Did I do something wrong?" George asked, breaking it. You shook your head and made your way to the coffee machine to pour a coffee.

"I know I did, Y/N. Just tell me so I can try fix it or apologise my heart out." he added. "It's not your fault, George, just know that. Ok?" you said. He nodded tentatively, already feeling guilty.

"I can't sleep when you're not here and when you are, it's worse. It feels like I'm sleeping in the arms of a stranger and that doesn't take away from just how much I love you but I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this before it takes away from us." you told him. He looked shocked, not realising just how uncomfortable you'd been feeling.

He hated that you felt like that, especially when for him, being with you felt like home, no matter where you were.

"I'm sorry." George said, hugging you from behind as you faced the coffee machine. You slowly turned round and placed your head on his chest.

"I already told you, it's not your fault. You just got your big chance at Mercedes and I don't want you to throw it away because of me. I spoke to my university and they said that I can actually do most of the lectures through zoom or they record them so I can just watch them back later. I'm going to start coming to more races, if that's okay with you?" you said, starting to ramble and slowly taking steps away from him. "Of course it is!" George almost shouted. "In no universe is there any problem with that!" he added.

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