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Fernando's final F1 weekend was coming to a close. You could quite believe the time had come around. This was the 3rd time you'd said goodbye to the Formula 1 world, but this time it felt different. You knew this was it. You weren't coming back.

You couldn't help but feel relieved that it was over. The spot at the back of your mind that couldn't help but worry about him was calmed. Fernando would be safe. You know Formula 1 was much safe than in the 90s but it was still very dangerous. 

However, you also knew that no longer driving in Formula 1 would feel like an withdrawal from a drug. A drug that he'd consumed for over 20 years.

It had become a natural instinct of yours to worry about Fernando and the racing world. Afterall, your dad was one of the names which was engraved in the F1 wall of heroes. Ayrton Senna.

The trauma you went through as a child would make most people stay strongly away from the world where the trauma occurred. Not you. Your young son that you shared with Fernando was already obsessed with the racing world and your partner spent almost all of his time there. 

Fernando lifted Levi up and placed him into the cockpit of the car. He looks so similar to how you did at that age. 

Levi rested his hands on the steering wheel. His brown curls fell perfectly and his brown eyes glimmered with joy. You knew that even when he grew up and couldn't remember this day, you would.

You recalled a photo of you at the same age as Levi, stood in the cockpit of your dad's McLaren with him squating down next to you. You could barely stand but you adored the world that surrounded you. You gripped the steering wheel as Levi was now and had that same smile across your face that Levi did. It was your dad's smile. He'd passed it to you and you passed it to your son, Levi Ayrton Alonso.

Fernando lifted Levi up out of the car and into his arms. Levi snuggled into his chest. He knew that his Papa's arms were the safest place on Earth. It was a gentle reminder, for you, that the three of you would be ok.

17 years later, you watched on nervously as your 19 year old son did his first laps in a Formula 1 car, his racing bloodline streaming through him. Looking back, you had no idea that 17 years to the day since Fernando finished F1 that your son would be in an Formula 1 car, just like his dad and grandad.

Fernando was beyond proud as he watched Levi. You knew that Fernando would be proud of Levi wherever life took him, whether it was the motorsport world or something completely different but this was special to him. His little boy was following in his footsteps and the footsteps of his dad and one of Fernando's heroes, Ayrton Senna.

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