Can we start over again? - MV33

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You saw Max out of the corner of your eye. You began to walk quicker and avoid his gaze. You'd not talked to him in just over 2 years and although things weren't bad between you, you just weren't sure if you wanted to speak to him.

"Can we start over again?" Max asked. "I want to, Max, believe me, I really do but these last 6 months are the best I've felt in a long time. I still worry about you, of course I do, but the sleepless nights, not eating anything, the nightmares, they've stopped." you told him. His heart sank, realising that it was for the best if the pair of you weren't together.

"I love you, Max, but we're better apart. Your racing results have improved, you look so much happier and I'm not worrying myself sick about you. Honestly, Max, I'm so so proud of everything you've done! 2 world championships! That's such an achievement." you added. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug before you could say anymore.

"I thought we were forever but it turns out that's just not how it's meant to be. I'll always be here for you, Y/N. You should know that." Max told you, releasing you from your embrace. You smiled softly and a silence fell between you.

"How's your mum doing?" he asked, seeming genuinely curious. "She's good. She worries about Arthur, of course she does, he's the baby of the 4 of us, but not as much as she did and she's stopped so much with Charles." you told him. "How're Vic and the kids?" you added. "They're good. The kids are getting so big now, you'd hardly recognise them." he said. You nodded, not really sure where the conversation was going.

"I've got to get back to Charles. I'll see you later." you said, before walking away. Max didn't respond to you walking away which made you doubt he cared about you at all but in reality, you knew that it wasn't true. He cared about you too much. He didn't want to push you into a situation where you wouldn't talk to him at all in the future, so he just let you go.

You soon reached your brother.

"Hey, Y/N." he said. "Hi." you said. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing. Just never thought the day would come, that's all. I'll explain later." you told him. He nodded, accepting your answer. He knew that if he pushed you for an answer now, he'd never get one out of you. It was better for you to come to him on your own accord.

Charles saw Max out of the corner of his eye, staring at the space you'd just entered. Max took a deep breath before walking away, confusing Charles even more, but he knew better than to intervene in whatever his little sister was doing, unless she asked him to.

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