I stopped waiting - CL16

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"Y/N?" Charles questioned, not really believing it was her. She turned round to face him.

"Hi, Charles." she said, bluntly. She didn't really want to talk to him, but still wanted to be polite.

"Wow, I never expected to see you around here." he said. She spotted an out.

"Actually, that's her just over there. I'm going to go. Bye." Y/N added, rushing her words. "Oh, it'd be nice to see you again over the weekend. Just text me and we'll sort something out." Charles said. She politely nodded, before walking away. She didn't plan on texting him at any point. That would mean looking at the last messages that got sent. 

It took her less than half an hour to forget about him and focus on her friend. She really was starting to enjoy her time here. Painful memories floated about but she was able to push them back and move on with her day.

The end of the day soon came.

"Alice, I might go back down to the paddock and see if Paul's still around. It's been a while since I've seen him." Y/N told her friend. "Ok, I've got to get back as I told my mum I'd call her at 6 and it's already like half past 5. Text me if you need picking up." she said, giving you a quick hug. You nodded before parting ways.

Y/N and Paul had been best friends growing up but after he got up to F4, communication slowed. They still talked every now and then but it was difficult. He had no idea she was here so it would be nice to surprise him.

As soon as Y/N reached the paddock, she saw him. He was walking away from her with his trainer, no idea she was stood just over 15m away. There wasn't many people around so Y/N decided to do something totally out of character.

"PAUL ARON!" she shouted. His head swivelled round at the sound of her voice and he sprinted over. He couldn't quite believe that she stood their.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed, pulling her into a hug. Both of the pair had a wide smile on their faces. That's when Y/N's eyes flickered over to Charles. He stood a small distance away watching the reunion, wanting so badly to apologise to Y/N and eventually be the reason for her smile.

After the pair seperated, he made his way over.

"Oh, Charles is coming. Do you want me to stay or go?" Paul asked. "Go, please. Can I meet you outside the Mercedes garage in half an hour though?" she replied. He nodded, before walking away.

"Y/N, let me explain." Charles started, but you erupted. She let everything that had been hiding for the past 2 years out. She lost almost all self control as her words tore through him.

"I stopped waiting, Charles! I stopped waiting for the next that may never be sent, the call that may never be dialed, for you to complete my world, for you to make my vision of us reality, for you to be my happily ever after and for you to make me your girl forever. You said you wanted two weeks, a break, but you never spoke to me again and now you want to act like we're best buds and nothing happened. No! I'm not doing that." she told him, wary to raise her voice incase people heard them.

Charles was close to tears, realising just how much he'd hurt her.

"I'm sorry." he mumbled. She looked up at his deep eyes which were pricking with tears.

"I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have erupted like that." she told him. "No, Y/N, you had every right. I should've called and I'll forever regret that I didn't." Charles said. 

She pulled him into a hug and the pair of you stayed like that for what felt like forever. Charles took it in, having missed this for the past 2 years, as did Y/N. She played with his the hairs on the back of his head with her head on his chest. She closed her eyes contently.

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