Yes I'm drunk and you're beautiful - GR63

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Y/N woke to a banging sound that echoed through the apartment. She debated what to do, her flat mate and best friend wasn't home yet and if something went wrong, she wouldn't be able to protect herself all too well. She settled on just having a quick peek out the peephole to see who it was first before making an official decision.

She pulled a hoodie over her head before slowing making her way over to the origin of the noise. She took a moment's look through the peephole and saw the sight of her best friend, George, banging on the door, begging Y/N to let him in. Her mind instantly calmed, knowing that he had a key so just assumed he'd lost it.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed as the door swung open. "Hi, George. Did you lose your key?" she asked. "Mhm." he hummed. Y/N nodded before making way to allow him in. He staggered forward before losing his balance and falling over.

Y/N sighed, helped him up then pulled his arm over her shoulders so he could put his weight on her.

"How much did you drink this time?" she asked him. "Light blue." George said, informing her of something she already knew, his favourite colour. It confirmed in her mind that he was beyond drunk and he'd have an almighty hangover tomorrow, but that was on him.

"Too much. You're beyond drunk." she said with a more than obvious sigh. "Yes I'm drunk and you're beautiful." George said. "Thank you for the compliment, G." she told him, not really thinking to much of it. George was always full to the brim with compliments when he was drunk. Sometimes it was nice, sometimes it was just annoying. He smiled and staggered about with his weight on you.

"Y/N, I think, wait, no, I know, I love you. That's what it is. You're beautiful, I'm drunk and I love you." he told her, listing them off. She paused on the spot, knowing what they said 'drunk words are sober thoughts' but she didn't want to believe it. Could he really be telling the truth?

Her best friend was in love with her. She quickly shoved the thought out of her mind. He was drunk. You don't mean anything when you're drunk. You're mind is on cloud 9 and you are blissfully unaware of everything.

"I love you too, G." she said, knowing that she could brush it either way if she wanted to. George started to lean in to kiss her and as much as she wanted it to happen, she knew just how frustrated George would be and he would feel like he took advantage of her. Y/N knew she'd feel just the same. If he really meant it, it would happen again, when he was sober.

"Your brother is going to kill me." George said, referring to how overprotective Y/N's brother could be. At least he was sober enough to remember that.

Hi all, this part was supposed to go up on Sunday so I could get back into the normal uploading routine and upload a part tomorrow (Wednesday), however, I was busy on Sunday then I was in hospital yesterday and unwell but at home today, so it's a bit shorter than I'd like and I apologise for that but I wanted to get something out. I'm taking time to rest and so there won't be an upload until possibly Sunday but most likely next Wednesday :)

Hope you enjoy and DM's are always open :)

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