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You tapped your pen anxiously, waiting for your break so you could check how Charles' qualifying had gone. You didn't talk or see each other anymore but that didn't mean you didn't care about him.

The trauma ward you worked on was unusually quiet which didn't help you. The red phone for incoming traumas soon rang and your colleague, Laura, picked it up.

"25 year old, male. ETA 7 minutes." she called over the tannoy. You got up and started to prepare the area.

"Y/N, sit this one out. Your stressing about Charles and this one sounded bad. You're not in the right frame of mind." Laura told you. You nodded and went back to checking patient records and paperwork.

The paramedics soon brought the man through. He had the usual head brace and oxygen mask but your eyes were drawn to him. You followed your gut instinct and went over.

You froze.

The man was badly injured but it was undeniably him. It was Charles.

He lay there unconscious and for the first time, you weren't sure what to do. You got pulled away back to your desk by Laura as the paramedics and other doctors did the handover.

"I didn't know." Laura said, wrapping her arms around you. "I'm going to do everything and the minute you can come over, I will come and get you." she added. You nodded before she made her way over.

You couldn't remember when you'd last seen Charles. His dream had come true and so had yours. You'd both kept your promises.

You and Charles had grown up together. Being Camille's younger sister by 10 years, she was often tasked by your parents with looking after you and in a bid to be able to spend more time with Jules, she'd drag you to the Bianchi karting track.

At first, you hated it but as you came to adore Jules, you didn't mind it. It was also where the two youngest Leclercs would hang out. You and Arthur soon became good friends but Charles was more hesitant. You looked forward to seeing both of them and eventually, you were one of the highlights of Charles' week.

You made Charles wish he had a sister but you and Camille were the closest thing he'd get to it but he was more than okay with it.

You remembered, and you knew he did too, one summer evening off the back of a very hot day, the pair of you sat on top of a stack of tires, eating ice-cream, watching the adults from afar. You talked about who you wanted to be in the future. Charles had of course said that he wanted to make it to Formula 1 and you told him that you wanted to be a doctor.

You extended your pinky finger towards him and the two of you promised each other that you would do everything it took for your dreams to come true. For Jules. Every time something got hard for either of you, you'd say 'do it for Jules' and that's what the pair of you did.

You couldn't lose Charles without at least spending 5 more minutes with him. When Jules had died, you were absolutely heartbroken. You were only 15 and the man who made your sister so happy was gone. She never laughed like she did with Jules again. She was never the same.

You didn't want to go through that. You and Charles had had a life together and you'd had a lives apart. Now you had a chance to be back in his life, you didn't want to throw it away.

Charles' eyes started to flicker.

"Hey?" you said, softly. "Y/N?" he asked. "Yeah." you told him, stroking his hair. You couldn't help yourself.

"Do you know where you are? What happened?" you asked him. "St Matthew's Hospital, I crashed in quali." he told you. You took a deep breath, at least he knew that much. To say he crashed seemed like an understatement but there wasn't a bigger word so it had to fit.

"Is my mum coming?" he asked. He'd always been a mummy's boy and it was so sweet. His mum meant so much to him but had always taught him that his wife or girlfriend or whoever he ended up with, was more important than she was.

"Yeah, but she'll be a while. Arthur's gone to get her and Lorenzo from the airport. You freaked them out Charles." you told him, not moving your hand from his hair. "I know. I've missed you, Y/N." he said. "I've missed you too." you added.

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