Shine - EO31

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You stood at the airport gate, unable to move. If you moved from your spot, you'd either miss out on your dream opportunity or leave behind your universe. You couldn't talk, you couldn't move. All you could do was just stand there.

"Go live your life, it's your time to shine." Esteban said. "What if I don't want to do that? What if I want to stay right here?" you asked. "No, don't say that Y/N. I'll be right here, supporting you the whole way, but we can't be together and you need to live out your dream. I'm living mine, I'm shining. It's your turn." he told you. He pulled you into his arms and hugged you tightly.

You didn't want to leave this chapter of your life, this world, Esteban. You'd wanted to keep it forever and for your studies to be over right now, but you also wanted your degree. Esteban knew how much you wanted the degree and so was pushing you to pursue it.

He was right. You couldn't be together and he got to live out his dream, so you should live out yours. As much as you were looking forward to it, the idea of it was destroying you. You and Esteban had known each-other since you were 3 years old. You'd become who you were together, you'd grown up together and had gone through it all together. 

You didn't know how you'd cope on your own and is some-ways you didn't know how to be your own person. You'd been Esteban and Y/N, Y/N and Esteban since you were toddlers, but now you'd just be Y/N.

"What if I can't do it?" you asked. "You will, you can. Trust me." he said. Part of you knew he was right, he always was about these things. You took a deep breath and looked towards the gate to the aeroplane. You said one final goodbye.

"Goodbye, Estie. I know you hate that nickname, but I love it. I gave it to you when we were tiny, it's not going away. I love you so so much and I don't want this chapter to end but I realise it has to. We have to be apart. I'll be watching you race and remember, no matter what, I'm proud of you. We made it from kids whose future was more than likely going to be working where our parents worked, barely making enough to survive, but look at what we did. Take in this world, Estie. I'm always one phone call away. I'll be there. Every time you see a daffodil, think of me and I'll think of you. That's what we picked in that field for each other all those years ago. That's where we'll be. Thank you so much for everything, I love you. Goodbye, Estie." you told him.

You said everything you wanted to say to him as if this wasn't something you were about to cry over. You said what you would say if you were thinking back on this day in a few years time.

You pulled him into your arms and hugged for one final time, never wanting to let go. You wanted to be here forever. His silence was telling you everything he wanted to say. He didn't need to say it for the pair of you to know. You took one deep breath and looked into his eyes before turning to walk away.

You walked away for one final time.

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