I could kiss you right now - PG10

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The warm Abu Dhabi sun beamed down on you. It was the last race of the season and however much you wished there was more, you were glad for the break coming up. You'd started working for Alpine at the beginning of the season, the same time as Pierre. You were his press manager, monitoring what he said to who, and his public image.

You'd become really close and now spent a lot of time together on and off track. You'd enjoyed his company and knew you'd miss it over the next few months as the F1 world took a much needed break.

You'd developed feelings over the last 8 months but didn't have the guts to tell him. You doubted that he felt the same way and you weren't ready to let this job go if your thoughts were incorrect. 

"Y/N?" Pierre asked, breaking your train of thought and bringing you back to reality. You nodded.

"We've got to go to the grid." he said. The pair of you did so but remained in silence the whole way and the majority of the wait for the start of the race. Pierre was nervous, starting from P5 and with a good chance of getting on the podium. He wasn't usually like this, so you had immediately noticed it.

The race soon began and Pierre got away well, but dropped down to P7. His frustration came through loud and clear on the radio. Over the next 20 laps, he made it back up to P5 before the moment that changed it all came. 

Sainz's brakes began to fail and when he pitted to retire the car, he went right into the back of Verstappen. He was now up to P3, with Esteban behind. The weekend was looking better than anyone could've ever imagined for the team. The two Mercedes in front would be hard to catch with only 20 laps left, but Pierre and Esteban were planning on giving it their all.

A missed timed pit-stop meant that Hamilton fell down to P7 and the Alpine boys were up to P2 and 3. The pair of them battled with Russell, with Pierre getting past with 8 laps remaining and Esteban, 3 laps later. They remained focus, not wanting to lose it now. The garage was beyond elated. Starting from P5 and P9 to a 1-2 was incredible.

As Pierre's car shot across the line with Esteban's car not to far behind, you were filled with pride and joy. A 1-2 was beyond the perfect end to the season. It was more than anybody could have imagined.

Soon after, Pierre and Esteban parked their cars and jumped out, celebrating their win. You had stayed in the garage but little did you know, Pierre's darting eyes wasn't just adrenaline. He was looking for you.

The team celebrated the podium and a little under an hour later, they all returned to the garage. You sat off at the side, not wanting to overstep or intrude. Everyone was so happy and so were you but you were nervous about making the wrong decision. Pierre soon locked eyes with you and motioned for you to join him in his driver's room.

You made your way over and gently opened the door. You stepped in and he shut the door behind you.

"I could kiss you right now!" Pierre exclaimed. You couldn't tell if it was just an expression or if inside him, he really did want it. You looked into his eyes trying to find an answer. The pair of you found each other looking deep into each-other's eyes.

He took a step closer to you, not sure whether he was making the right choice. You took a leap of faith and went for it.

"Do it, then." you barely whispered. As soon as the words came floating out of your mouth, his lips smashed into yours. Your hands found their way to the back of his head as you started to play with the messy hairs that lay their.

"I hope that was your last first kiss." he told you.

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