Chapter 29 Survival after the extraction

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Eve Pov:

Well since the few years of training and working to spread our business over the elemental nations we have been happy. But not the stressed kind where we always have to look over our back, but the kind that is relaxing. We have everything. We have a home, money, food and family. Yes the family is not here per say but it is close by. We have been given many missions by Koyuki and her council of trusted men and women. We were mostly hunting down some loyalists of Doto or killed some rouge ninja from the village hidden in the snow. A village that has been slowly rebuild. Even if Koyuki disliked the presence of a ninja village in her country she still allowed one to be build since she knew the worth of it. But there were strict rules implemented.

For one the Daimyo has the last say, if it concerns the country or its safety. Two the civilians have no say in ninja affairs (except the Daimyo) and the village needs to meet certain standards. For this she asked for help from Naruto who just handed those problems over to me since I gave him the training plans.

So now the village is being build and it already has several positive changes compared to other villages. All ninja arts are being told over the years and only during the last year it is possible to specialise in one or several arts. The chakra reserves are being tested. Elemental affinities are tested. They are taught more personally. (Not in the kind of one to one training but their personal styles.) The academy students do D-rank missions to see with whom they work best. After one month of training under a jounin sensei and taking D-ranks the sensei will take a C-rank with another jounin and his genin team. They won't earn more but will get experience. They will continue this routine with other genin teams or chunin teams for the next five months and only then they are allowed to take C-rank missions as a single team.

But that is all in the future and technically not important right now. Why you ask? Well because I am just kicking some undead ass.

I slid under the punch and kicked the scythe wearing undead away. "B*tch. Get here so that I can rip you apart." Hidan shouted in anger. I ignored him and shot a wind blade at him which cut over his chest. This seemed to just anger him but not to stop him in any way.

"You know Hidan. You are not strong, just annoying to kill."

"I will-" He began.

"Hidan stop. She is messing with you and waiting for you to make a mistake." Kakuzo shouted at him while spreading his masks all over the place. "And remember she is not just called an S-rank kunoichi for fun, but because she has hunted A-ranks like nothing."

"Yeah, yeah but I can't die so-" Slash "Ahhhh you b*tch." Hidan shouted.

"Wind style: Cutting wind scythes." Several large curved wind blades shot at Hidan and cut of his left hand. "So how are you? Do you regenerate?" I asked curious about the extent of his abilities.

But I haven't had much tie because his partner attacked with a combination of hind and fire. I cursed and bodyflickered away. "Where is Fu?"

"Oh the little girl?! She is already dead." Hidan cackled.

I created a shadow clone and the two of us went through handseals. "Water style: Raging waves. Lightning style: Electromagnetic murder." And a moment later a lightning charged wave washed over the two Akatsuki members stunning them and making it impossible for them to move. Not wasting any time I threw a kunai and teleported next to it slicing through two of the five masks. I grabbed my kunai and teleported back to safety.

"What was that sh*t ass fast jutsu?" Hidan asked more perplexed then fearful.

"That was the Hiraishin, but I thought only the fourth could use that jutsu." Kakuzo said perplexed.

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