Chapter 5 First partner

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Eve Pov:

It has been one month since I arrived in demon country and I was not just sitting around. I took several missions and even killed some missing nins to get more money. All to not get bankrupted by my order at the smithy.

And right now I have gained an assassination mission. My first and third seal was finished. The seal to create a sword wasn't hard but to get a useful sword that would not immediately disburse was more difficult. So I had to specify the density the location and where which kind of metal would be located. But it works. And so I am Trying it out for the first time.

But anyhow, right now I am perched on a tower opposite of the target's mansion. I used my sharingan as well as a binocular to observe every guard and their shifts. How they are patrolling the place and when they switch shifts.

When I was that it was dark enough and they would not recognise me I made my move. I jumped down for the tower and threw my hook to the mansion and dragged myself closer in one strong pull.

I landed on the roof and immediately threw seven senbons laced with sleeping toxin at the guards on the roof. Then I used the multi shadow clone jutsu and created seven clones.

(Shadow clone jutsu separates the chakra in equal parts, meaning that it would have been divided by eight. But the multi shadow clone jutsu just creates copies with a similar benefit but with less chakra reserves.)

I then jumped down and took down another three with the same technique. I then walked behind a servant and followed him to the office of the master of the house. When they entered she could feel four chakra signatures.

(And yes for those who haven't realised I use similar abilities to Assassins Creed since chakra sensing perfectly matches the ability to see hidden people and objects of Assassins Creed.)

I knocked the servant out and walked towards the boss.

"What brings you here tonight?" He asked.

"Isn't that obvious?"

"I guess it is and I can't get you to stop your foolish endever?" He asked.

"No. I was paid and money is important."

"Then why not work for me. I will make sure to pay you well?" He said while smirking.

"Sorry but at the same time my reputation would drop since I would betray my client."

"That is a shame. Well it is your death. Not mine." He said and leaned back.

At that moment the four chakra signatures rushed at me and drew their weapons. I activated the seal on my arm and a broadsword formed into my hand out of the tube on my hip. I parried the first slash and dodged the second, while kicking the third away and grabbed the fourth person's punch.

"Well you aren't slouches as I have expected. Still not fast enough." I deactivated my resistance seal and cut the first one over the chest. Then I imbued wind chakra into my blade and cut through the arm of the first attacker. This caused them to be more vary and I used that moment to throw a kunai at the boss. The second sword wielder wanted to parry but I used my magnet release to change the trajectory and lodge the kunai into the man's throat.

I looked around and could see the three guards being dead or roughed up. 'Wait three? Weren't there four?'

"Ha I got you." The one I kicked away shouted from behind me. I pushed a ton of chakra into my technique and seal less swapped with the boss who was impaled by his own guard. The shock caused him to stop in his tracks which caused him his life. I once again used my magnet release and let some metal plates cut through him.

Soon enough the two other guards were also dealt with. Not that they would have survived either way. The mercury that my blade is mostly made out of would have poisoned and then killed them sooner or later.

I retracted the plates and returned the kneadable metal into the tube. On my way outside I also collected all of my senbons I used and stored them away for further usage.

I then exited the house and left to get my pay from my employer.

Two days later I got my pay and left to train or do something else productive that I liked.

I then walked by a dark aisle and heard some whining. Not wanting to let the person or thing suffer any more I entered the ally but kept on guard. I activated my sharingan just for more security and saw several cats huddled around an older cat. Every last one of them was black except one. That one was white as snow and whined as it was always pushed away by the mother.

I looked some more and then made a decision. I scooped the baby cat up and body flickered to my home. There I used a syringe and put some milk into it. Then I grabbed the baby and began to feed it. A few minutes later I was finished and the kitten was fast asleep.

I smiled happy with how my life is changing to the better little by little.

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