Chapter 25 Corresponding goals

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Karin Pov:

Tayuya and I were currently watching TV. We had literally nothing important to do, a shadowclone each read something about medical jutsu or genjutsu respectfully. Jut like Eve's shadowclone was looking into seals. Ever since the Wave mission where she met Naruto and helped him she was training none stop. All the time working on either ninjutsu, genjutsu, fuinjutsu, taijutsu, kenjutsu or planning something. Like she feared that something bad was going to happen and she needed to prevent that.

I sometimes try to get her to do other things but then she just creates a shadowclone to continue her work. She is already a level eight seal mistress and is diligently learning level nine as well as a kenjutsu mistress and has powerful gen- as well as ninjutsu. Her taijutsu is very lethal as well, so I am confused why she is trying so hard. Can't she just take some time off and be normal for once. I mean we aren't normal and are training often as well but not as much as her.

Just then the TV went off and showed that intruders are close by. Tayuya and I jumped up, geared up and went outside. Both of us used the chameleon jutsu and snuck up on them. Tayuya used her strongest genjutsu on them, while I used one of my strongest poisons that are only meant to knock enemies out. Information is key.

Kakashi Pov:

Why? Why? Why? Why does it had to end like this. Yes I knew from the start what the mission was truly about. But why did it have to go so wrong, we had all the information about the enemy or so we thought.

All of our ninjutsu were useless. Genjutsu was broken the moment it was cast, they were flying so ken- and taijutsu were unusable as well. The only thing that we could use were shuriken and kunai. Naruto was able to overpower one armer with an up powered Rasengan but that was all we could do. And then they captured princess Koyuki. Yes my team was strong or at least comparably strong to other genin or chunin teams. Naruto, Shikamaru and Shino were promoted to chunin after several C and B-rank missions as a team. Now the three are the sub-leaders of each team, which of course was problematic at first but the others complied after some time. I on the other hand got a new genin, he was once a ROOT member but not anymore. Well Danzo is dead.

So here we are. Three genin teams with their jounin sensei badly wounded. Well I am wounded, Asuma is hurt and Kurenai is out of comishion after genjutsu was deemed unusable she was overwhelmed and beaten to a bloody pulp. Hinata and Kiba ignored Shino's command and suffered the same treatment. Then Asuma's and my team worked better but still were defeated by the seven flying, chakra absorbing ninja. Ino is unconscious due to her technique backfiring, Shikamaru was hurt but saved by Choji and my team was mostly unharmed. Sai helped Naruto get up close while Sakura stayed back and healed the injured.

But back to the present, the ones less harmed and Naruto's shadow clones were carrying the wounded through the land of Snow. And it does not look good. Sakura had spent all of her chakra some time ago and is recovering it so the ones hurt won't be healed for some time.

"Naruto why are we going to this hill? Do you want us to freeze in this snowy mountains." Sakura asked, angry to nearly lose a friend and exhausted which did not help her temper.

"Just hurry up. I am not the best senser but even I can sense them following us. And I have absolutely no interest in getting picked up by them. Not after all I went through to get to this point. Also isn't it best to let the one who is currently carrying everyone decide since I can tell you that I can keep this up for another eight hours but then I will be out cold." Naruto shouted back. It seems his infatuation with Sakura is finally gone. Good for him.

"I, I just. Umpf." Sakura said while walking against some kind of wall. "What the hell was that?" She said while putting her hand on some invisible force. "Wait where the hell is Naruto?"

I looked up and saw no Naruto. Where did he go? Wheeerrreee? Wait what is goiinngg ooonnn? I could feel it. The darkness creeping into my vision and taking my consciousness with it.

Several hours later:

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a bedroom. A luxurious one at that. What happened? All I remember is that I lost... Did Doto capture us? But why should I be in such a room?

"I see the copy cat is up." A somewhat familiar voice rang out but I couldn't identify the one whom the voice belonged to. "Don't worry your motoric functions will come back after some time. But just to be safe this room is equipped with chakra disturbance seals. You can't shape any chakra in here. Your control is worse then Naruto's ever was."

Now I remember this condescending voice that held all of the cards in a game of poker. "Eve." I said with surprise.

"In the flesh. Now why don't you lie down and recover some more. You should be as good as new in a few hours." She said and began to leave.

"Why are you here? I thought you didn't work for tyrants."

"We don't. We are here to kill Doto. I know about the real princess and heiress of the throne. Koyuki if I am not mistaken is her name. The Mist wanted an alliance with Snow but we told them it was a bad idea and denied the mission. They sent their men anyways and all but one were killed in an instant." She informed me.

"Who do they have?"

"Sub-Zero. Or you know him better as the hunter nin from Wave." She clarified.

"So you three are here to kill him, to save a friend? Seriously? I mean your name is spread through the elemental nations. I don't know if you reached S-class already but your nicknames are many. The red crow, the one who copied the copy ninja, Azreal or your previous name the crimson mirage."

"Think whatever you want. But we didn't come here to safe him. He walked in this sh*t on his own. We planned to kill him even before he or you came here. Tyrants are not humans but monsters that need to be dealt with. And Doto will be dealt with. Tough I can see now why Haku had such problems when even you were defeated." She said while grinning.

"They have some sort of device, most likely the armour that they wore. It can absord chakra, even from techniques. Naruto killed two and I killed one. But only through my Raikiri an S-rank technique or Naruto pushing enough chakra into his Rasengan. He overloaded the armour while it couldn't absorb all of my Raikiri's chakra so it pierced though. The Chidori you copied from Sasuke won't work."

"It doesn't have to. I have enough techniques, tough I would love to copy your Raikiri. Also fuinjutsu is amazing." With that she left and closed the door and I fell asleep once more.

Eve Pov:

"So how are they?" Asked Naruto who was already on his feet.

"They are alright. Some of them will need to sleep at least a week but then we should be finished with our mission. Kurenai, Kiba and Hinata won't be able to help in this mission." Karin informed him.

"Who will be able to help us?" Asked Tayuya.

"Shino, Choji, possibly Shikamaru, Asuma, Kakashi, Sakura and the new one." Karin answered.

"His name is Sai. He was one of Danzo's men." Naruto clarified.

"So four Uzumaki, a Hatake, Nara, Akamichi, Sarutobi and Aburame. We should leave Sakura here just in case their state becomes worse. Do you have the plans of the castle?" Asked Karin.

"I do. I also know where the prisoners are held but I don't know if Koyuki was held there. I know that Haku is there but I don't know about her. She isn't a prisoner of war but a puppet to be used."

"He is after her pendant, which I am in possession of. So he would most likely keep her somewhere close by." Naruto informed us.

"Good to know. Keep it on you. I guess you sealed it in some seal on your body?!" He nodded at my question but didn't tell me where. Good, he knows that such information shouldn't be told, even to allies. The fewer know the better. "Perfect. We will do it like this. Naruto, you and your comrades will attack from the front. You will get some chakra disturbance seals. Those will make the armours or the device they use useless. The seal will most likely create a short circuit. So prepare to kill them one after another without the help of chakra. Of course the seals can also be deactivated but the possibility at the enemy reusing the armour if it wasn't destroyed."

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