Chapter 0 Prologue

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"Ma'am how is she? Were there any improvements? Did she react?" A mother of three asked. After all one of her children, the youngest was involved in a traffic accident. She wasn't able to get away to safety and was hit by a truck which drove onto the sidewalk.

Yes her youngest child born with a disability and that had spent her whole life in the wheelchair would not make it past 10. Her whole life the girl just wanted to run and play with the other children but couldn't. And now she would potentially never wake up again.

"I am sorry Mrs. but there are no changes. She is still not awake and still in a critical condition."

The mother nodded and thanked the nurse for her time. This continued for the next few months. But it seems that no treatment would get the child out of the coma.

And so one day the parents decided to cut of the life support.

Meanwhile with the girl.

She might not have been conscious no but her mind was not asleep. She was caged inside her own mind. She was desperate. She knew that something had happened and that she was unable to wake up.

'I just wanted a normal life. I wanted to be healthy to have a strong body to be able to see and experience the whole world while not forgetting anything. I want to be special, no normal, no special.'

Such thoughts were running through the mind of the young child until everything vanished.

When she regained her conscious or subconscious she looked around and realised that she was moving. Was she being carried? 'Wait am I awake?'

She wanted to say something but all that came out was a dry cry. Confused the child looked around but had difficulties in understanding what was going on and therefore just closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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