Jay then went next to her and folded his hand with her. They then smiled at each other.

Yeeun who was seeing this scene looked down at her food and tried to move her head from seeing the scene in front of her.

"Thank you Y/n," she said.

"Don't mention it"

"I have to get back to the office, I still have to do my task from yesterday," she said picking up her bag.

"Aren't you coming?" she said looking at Jay.

"Ohh I have to friend Yeeun for her x-ray this evening. Her parents can't attend it because they have something important to do so I have to accompany her."

Y/n looked at Jay blankly as she was too stunned to speak.

"But Jay, we have an important meeting tomorrow and you haven't finished your report since last week," she said slowly as she was almost caught up in her words.

"Yeah about that" 

He then went to her while scratching the back of his neck.

"Can you cover it up for me? I can't seem to finish it all today"

Y/n was speechless. Inside her head, there are many things she wants to say to him but she just can't say no Not in front of Yeeun with her condition. It might affect her.

Jay has been passing and skipping some of his work and Y/n has to cover it up for him. She didn't mind it before, but now she was starting to have thoughts that he was doing it on purpose. But even so, Y/n agreed.

Yeeun who seemed to notice this tried to ask Jay to just let her go alone.

"It's ok Jay. I can go alone, you don't have to come. Your work is important"

"Yeah, but you are important too. I'm sure Y/n wouldn't mind. Right Y/n?"

You were silent again but decided to give a quick answer. "Yeah sure" She then let out a smile to cover her feelings.

"You are important too, I'm sure Y/n mind. Right Y/n?" the words echoed in her head. It pained her so much that she had to swallow her pride.

Jay went next to Y/n and left a kiss on her forehead. "See you at home. Don't come back late"

She smiled and nodded her head before finally leaving.

And so at the office, Y/n tried to finish everything up even Jay's report. She tried to cover up as much as she could for him. It took hours to finish and she finally reached home at 9.

She opened the door slowly while stretching her neck. All of that work got her tired. Even her head starting to get hurt from all of the busyness. Y/n closed the door behind her slowly. She turned to the front and was then greeted by Jay who was coming down from the stairs.

"You come home late. Have you been working hard to finish the work?"

Y/n tried to control her facial expression and tried to look fine because she was afraid that he might be worrying about her.

"Yeah," she said while stretching her neck and smiling at him. Little did he know that the smile was the smile of tiredness from doing the work all day and to bear with other stress.

"Come here," he said pulling her in for a hug.

She went to him hugged him and laid her head on his chest. She began to close her eyes and relax in his embrace. After a whole exhausting day. A hug from him is all she needs. He is the strength that she needs. One hug from him cured all of her heavy burden.

"Jay....I'm ti-"

"Y/n I need to discuss you about something" he said between her words.

Y/n let go of the hug and looked at him. "Now? Can't it just wait until tomorrow?"


"Okay" Just like that she let him talk even though he was hella exhausted and didn't have more strength. The truth is, all she ever wanted to do right now was to have a good sleep.

He led her to the sofa and they both sat down together. He grabbed her hand into his while looking into your eyes.

"About the wedding. Can we postpone it to later? Maybe next 2 months?"

She looked at him with tired and confused eyes. 

"What? Jay, I don't understand"

He looked down at their hands together and held them tightly. 

"I know we were supposed to plan the whole wedding right now and I know I should be spending my time more with you. But Y/n, I can't marry you right now, not in this situation. I hope you understand why. Yeeun needs constant guidance. At this time, she needs me more."

It feels like she is in a state where she wants to express her feelings but she knows she can't. She shouldn't be selfish in this kind of situation.

He moved closer to her and looked at her in the eyes. "I promise you. After we convinced Yeeun to take the surgery. We will get back to everything again okay? Will you do that for me?"

Can she say No? Of course not. And so again she agreed with him.

She nodded her head tapped the hand of Jay and smiled.

"Is that a Yes?"

"Yeah," she said shortly

Jay was happy beyond control. 

"Thank you for understanding" he then hugged her again.

She didn't give him a response but sank her head in his embrace as she was too tired to even talk about this more.

He seems to notice how tired she is. "Y/n?" he tried to move her but she just groaned in response.


He smiled to himself and lay his body slowly on the sofa while she was in his embrace.

"I love You. Good night" he kissed her temple and caressed her hair. 

He thought to himself. He knows that he has been spending more time with Yeeun than he should with Y/n. He realizes that too but up till this day he still hasn't gotten the chance to properly propose to her. He still kept the wedding ring to himself with a hope in his heart that he could finally settle a life with her. Not long after that, he too fell into a deep sleep.

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