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Kim's POV

"You're glowing," Khloé remarked.

"You think?" I replied.

"I'm seeing a little weight too," she continued.

"No," I denied.

"I'm just saying," Khloé persisted.

"You're seeing things Khloé," I replied.

She shrugged and returned to her salad, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.

"I'm just saying, maybe you should take one," Khloé suggested.

"What?" I inquired.

"A test," she clarified.

"I'm not pregnant, Khloé," I stated firmly.

"That's fine, let's take the test for fun then," Khloé proposed.

"Khloé," I began to protest.

"I'll take it with you," she declared, standing up and heading to retrieve the tests. Meanwhile, I remained seated, lost in my own contemplation. "I'm not pregnant, I can't be," I repeated in my mind, trying to reassure myself. Just as I was lost in thought, my phone rang. It was a call from Y/n.

"Hey baby," Y/n's voice greeted me.

"Khloé is being dramatic," I complained, slightly exasperated.

"I'm not, but if that makes you feel any better, then go ahead and think so. But come on, this test isn't gonna take itself," Khloé retorted, waving the test in the air.

"What test?" Y/n inquired, confusion flickering across his features.

"Khloé thinks I'm pregnant," I explained, hoping to clear up the situation.

"Huh?" Y/n's eyes widened, and he shifted in his chair, clearly caught off guard. He was at the studio right now.

"I'm not pregnant, babe. Relax," I reassured him.

"Fine, then take the test to prove me wrong," Khloé challenged.

Sighing, I stood up and took the test from Khloé's hand before making my way to the bathroom.

"Baby, I'll call you back," I told Y/n.

"Alright," he replied, his tone carrying a mix of relief and concern. My poor baby was clearly spooked by the unexpected pregnancy scare.


Y/n's POV

While recording vocals for a song I was collaborating on with Kali, my mind couldn't help but wander to Kim and the pregnancy scare. Pregnant? It seemed unlikely, considering she was on the pill, and I usually used condoms... well, sometimes.

True, we had our moments of unprotected sex, but I always pulled out. My pull-out game was pretty reliable—I'd never made a mistake like that, except the one time I got Ryan pregnant...

But I was drunk that night, so that doesn't really count.


My phone buzzed on my lap, drawing my attention away from the studio session. It was a message from Kim.



We need to talk


Meet me at yours

The sinking feeling in my gut told me this conversation was going to be intense, and my mind raced as I contemplated what results Kim might bare. Without wasting any time, I wrapped up my recording session and headed home to face whatever awaited me.

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