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Y/n's POV

I sat at the dinner table, eager to pitch my idea to my dad. I leaned in, ready to convince him.

"Okay, hear me out, Dad. If I can get Travis Scott and J. Cole to collaborate with me, it's going to be a hit," I said confidently.

Dad looked skeptical. "Their music is different. How are you going to make it work?"

"Trust me, Dad," I replied, trying to sound convincing.

Mom intervened, "Alright, you two, no business talk at the dinner table."

I nodded in agreement. "Yes, ma'am. But, Dad, just think about it."

Dad considered for a moment. "If you can get another artist on board, then we have a deal."

I sighed, unsure of how I would accomplish this. But before I could respond, Mom stepped in again, reiterating the rule.

"Did I not say no business at the dinner table? This is family time, you two," she scolded.

We both muttered a quick apology, while my sister Blue snickered and disguised it as a cough. I stuck my tongue out at her, earning a flick to the head from Mom. I huffed and started eating my meal.

Once we settled into the family conversation, Mom asked about the well-being of the twins.

"They're doing great," I replied with a smile, thinking of my newborns, baby boy Rei and baby girl Rye. "Rei was a bit weak initially, but the doctors say he's much better now. Rye is healthy. I saw them today, and Ryan is still recovering, so I'll be around to help out."

Ryan and I had broken up before we found out she was pregnant, but we agreed to co-parent since we remained friends. It was important for me to support her during this time.

"That's good, baby. I'm so proud of you. Let Ryan know we'll come see them later this week," Mom said warmly.

Dad chimed in, "I feel old now that I have grandkids."

I couldn't resist a playful retort. "Dad, you've been old."

He was ready with a comeback, but Mom quickly intervened, not wanting any arguments to spoil the family moment.

Blue called me over, beckoning me closer and whispering in a hushed voice, "I had my first kiss today."

I was taken aback and choked on the juice I was drinking. What?! Mom patted my back to help me stop choking, while Dad chuckled at the situation.

"Is everything alright, baby?" Mom asked, concerned.

Struggling to catch my breath, I replied, "Yeah, I'm good. Just went down the wrong pipe."

I turned to Blue, wide-eyed. We would definitely have to have a serious conversation about this after dinner. Who the fuck had the balls kiss my baby sister, lay their crusty ass lips on my sister? Ah ah.


After leaving my parents' house, I headed to the apartment I had gotten for Ryan. Since she still lived with her parents, I didn't want the kids to be a bother for them. Ryan had called me earlier, asking me to pick up some things for the house, just basic groceries and hair dye.

I parked the car in Walmart's parking lot and quickly entered the store. I wore a hoodie and a mask, trying to avoid attention. With my mom being Beyoncé and now a grandmother to my kids, our family life was in the tabloids more than before, the news of the twins being born quickly spread and the attention had become overwhelming.

Once I arrived at the apartment, I walked in to find Ryan lounging on the couch, engrossed in one of her series.

"Hey, baby mama," I said teasingly. She chuckled and playfully threw me the middle finger.

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