Chapter 32

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Chaeng's POV

I was panicking and crying while Lisa drove the car so fast. Her eyes were bloodshot while she kept looking at our daughters condition.

My heart was pounding so loud. I can't think straight, I was supposed to tell Lisa about Chealse's sickeness, and then this happened. We just got back together, after years of being apart, and now, my daughter -

"Chaeng!! Please tell me what is happening?!" She shouted. There was irritation in her tone, but I couldn't really blame her. She's worried for our daughter and didn't even know that she's not alright.

"She's sick, Lisa. And I will tell you more about it later just please drive!!" I cried out.

I'm scared.

I'm so scared for our daughter. I've been warned by her doctors before. Her medication is not responding well with her body. She's getting thiner, and her health was dropping, and it feels like I've been in a nightmare when I'm in a coma, and when I woke up, it's much worse. My daughter has cancer, and my wife thought we were dead.


If it weren't for my parents. We wouldn't have been suffering like this. We could have done something to make Chealse's condition better.


"Help!! Please help!" I cried together with Lisa while she carried our daughter in her arms. Thankfully, the staff immediately took care of our child and settled her in the emergency room.

We were about to get inside, but they stopped us before we could enter.

"Ahhhh!!!" I flinched when Lisa shouted and punched the wall with frustration. She was full-blown crying, wheeping in such distress as she continued to hit the wall near us.

I walked closer towards her and hugged my wife tightly. She's shaking, scared, frightened, maybe because of the trauma of the accident years ago.

"Lisa, babe. She's going to be alright. I'm here. Please calm down. " I gently said while I rubbed her back, hoping it could ease her pain and make her calm.

She struggled at first, but after a moment, I felt her hand hugging me back tightly while she cried in my arms.

"I- I'm scared. Babe, I'm scared that both of you will leave me again. "

I tried my best not to cry to what she called me. It was the first time I heard it again, and it felt like we were back like before. Before all of this happened.

I pulled away and kissed her lips, unable to contain my happiness, and it doubled when she held me tighter and kissed me back with so much passion.

She kissed me like she's scared that I'll be gone again. She kissed me with so much emotion while her hand was holding my waist carefully.

"Listen to me, I won't be gone. Chealse will be alright, okay? Everything will be alright, " I mumbled while my forehead rested against hers while I gently massaged her nape.

I remembered it clearly. How doing this to her could make her calm despite how angry she was.

I'm just looking at Lisa. She's clenching her eyes tightly while she continues to hold me and cry silently until the doctor comes out.

She quickly pulled away from me but not before holding my hand.

"How is my daughter?" She worriedly asked. Her tears were building up again, so I gently tugged her hand and held it tightly. Making her feel that she's not alone, that I'm with her to fight for all of these.

Unholy (Jenlisa AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang