Chapter 2

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Jennie's POV

I stand before everyone with the bible in front of me and caressed the word from its paper. My heart felt full, and my body felt shivers as words utter from my mouth.

"The first reading," I said and bowed to everyone.

"2 Cor 3:15-4:1, 3-6", I look at everyone with full sincerity as I share the word of our saviour.

"Brothers and sisters," I gulped down the saliva that was stuck in my throat and inhaled silently to overcome my nervousness. Then my gaze went to my parents, encouraging me to go on.

They both look at me with those proud eyes. The way they stare glimers with all affection and pride. It was understandable because never in my life I ever did make them disappointed of me.

"To this day, whenever Moses is read,
a veil lies over the hearts of the children of Israel,
but whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.
Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is freedom.
All of us, gazing with unveiled face on the glory of the Lord,
are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory,
as from the Lord who is the Spirit. "I stop and look at everyone again. I caressed the word with all gentleness before I continued, but then I felt like someone was looking to me, penetrating my soul in such gazes that somehow I felt scared and vulnerable.

I looked up and found someone unfamiliar. She was with Mrs. And Mr. Manoban a well-known rich couple in Busan. She was seated in the middle of them, she was posh and expensive even with a tattoo on her left arm and a black earring on her right ear.

I gasped silently when her dark eyes met mine it felt like she's looking through me, wanting to know what's inside my mind and her lips that looks so red and pouty smirked and her aura felt like it screams sin and desire for 'something'.

My knees start to weaken, and I unconsciously grip the lecture table for support.

I looked away and sighed deeply, trying to calm myself self before I continued.

"Therefore, since we have this ministry through the mercy shown us,
we are not discouraged.
And even though our Gospel is veiled,
it is veiled for those who are perishing,
in whose case the god of this age
has blinded the minds of the unbelievers,
so that they may not see the light of the Gospel
of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
For we do not preach ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord,
and ourselves as your slaves for the sake of Jesus.
For God, who said, let light shine out of darkness,
has shone in our hearts to bring to light
the knowledge of the glory of God
on the face of Jesus Christ. " I managed to read with all sincerity and passion. That I felt my heart bursting because the LORD has given me strength to finish it even with my nervousness that's taking over my body.

This was the second time happened, the first was when it was my first lecture in a holy mass, and that time was understandable but now, there is no reason to get nervous and scared at all.

Every time I gave lectures to people, there was this something in my heart that was calm and tamed by all of my emotions. However, today was different. And my mind keeps pointing to the woman that was sited in between the old well-known rich couple in our place.

I stared at her again, but my heart sank when I saw her already gone. I tried to move my neck, looking for her

"Ehem." I looked at the priest, and he gestured his hand for me to continue. I realised that I was still not done, and I'm still in front of a hundred people waiting for me to finish my lecture.

I felt embarrassed and bowed down at everyone before I timidly smiled.

"The word of the Lord, and all reply, Thanks be to God." I continued after I cleared my throat.

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