Chapter 18 - The End Of False Dmitry

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Kirill had understood then and there the whole picture. How could he have been so blind! Perhaps he was getting old and careless and didn't see danger at every corner anymore.

"Mr. Kirill. I did as I was told. I unlocked your desk drawer and put a beautiful gold chain where your girlfriend usually kept her jewelry." She was now hurrying her conversation, "There is more. I was instructed to place a camera beside the vase of flowers, sir. The vase in your bedroom. I'm so sorry, Mr. Kirill, I just wanted to protect my boy!"

Kirill listened to her but was not surprised at what she said. He knew the tactics, he used them himself in the past but he was angry with himself for being so relaxed and that he didn't see it coming. The camera in the bedroom was not expected, he thought, but at this moment a message from Yuri came through: Mia had just arrived at the office.

Yuri had strict orders to have someone look after Mia and report her movements. Kirill got daily updates about her whereabouts and knew what did she and where she went. He knew the danger she was in and no matter what happened between them or what she said, he would never not keep her safe.

But now, unbeknownst to him, Mia was in Tamik's car while he was sitting with Dmitry at the office.

"Where is Tamik?" Kirill asked Dmitry in a flat, gruff voice. "He's been away a lot." They spoke Russian. Dmitry swirled in his chair and said rather uninterested,

"He has things to do. You know how he is, he is a busy man." Dmitry truly didn't know what Tamik was doing in this moment.

"Yes." Kirill said slowly, "So are you." He was now leaning against his desk, arms crossed, facing Dmitry and then asked in the same monotonous voice,

"When did you think of putting the chain where she could find it? And what's with the camera? You wanted to watch us have sex? That's sick." He flat out got to the point. Dmitry froze and with wide eyes faked confusion,

"What chain? What camera?"

"You know." Kirill said looking calmly at him. Kirill was experiencing another heartbreak: he was about to kill the man who had been as close to him as a brother. Dmitry continued his act,

"What are you saying, brother? What chain, what camera?"

"Enough!" Kirill suddenly yelled. He took out his gun and shot a foot away from Dmitry's head into the wall. Dmitry lifted up his hands to protect his head and after the debris fell, stood up quickly and started accusing Kirill.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" He yelled in Russian. "Collect yourself! You can always get more pussy, don't turn on me now!" Eyes wide staring at Kirill.

Kirill was finished with the bullshit, he was larger and stronger than Dmitry but clearly not as good a mastermind anymore since he nurtured such vipers in his bosom, he thought.

He punched Dmitry in the face and blood gushed from his nostrils. Kirill then charged at him again to land another punch before Dmitry had a chance to even open his eyes. He pummelled him with both fists, smashed his head into the wall and let him drop to the ground.

His shirt stained with Dmitry's blood, Kirill dragged him by his foot to a chair and grabbed the zip ties that were on Kirill's desk. He lifted up a half conscious Dmitry and plopped him in a chair and zip tied his hands and feet. He took out Dmitry's gun and everything else from his pockets.

Kirill sat down in front of him and lightly smacked Dmitry's mangled face.

"I'm going to ask you one time," Kirill sniffled, wiping his sweat and Dmitry's blood from his face and catching his breath, "And if you don't tell me the truth, I will just shoot you, brother." He added the last word sarcastically. "Why did you betray me, hm? And for who! For Tamik! A fucking coke head!"

Kirill was not done saying his part and Dmitry was still trying to catch his breath with his eyes closed and puffed up from Kirill's assault.

"I killed for you. I lived with you on the streets. I protected you. I defended your interests and I saved your fucking life so many times, I can't even fucking count!" Kirill was now breaking down. "And for what?! So we could end like this?!"  Kirill hollered.

"You're a bitch." Dmitry croaked. "You think you're the Tsar...but you're just a jester."

"Hah, yes...and you're False Dmitry." Kirill stood up, cocked his gun and placed it to Dmitry's temple.

"Last chance. Brother."

Kirill's phone rang at this very moment and it was Mia's number. Kirill stared at it in disbelief and picked up, lowering his gun, "Mia?! Are you ok?!"

"Hi, baby." came Tamik's voice. Kirill's heart stopped, his worst fear now becoming reality. He said nothing and tried to listen for Mia in the background but he didn't hear anyone else.

"I'm listening to you." Kirill responded in Russian.

"You listening to me good?" Tamik asked "I have your sunshine, baby. She tastes good and looks even better all sad and scared. I'm going to enjoy her slowly, savour her, so to speak. But I want you to also enjoy yourself." Tamik paused. "I want you to watch what I'm going to do with her before you die. I want you to see how much she pleads, you like when she pleads, don't you?" Tamik asked and his huge smile could be felt through his speech "I know. I know everything. I've been watching you. I bet she will regret leaving you then, don't you think? See, I just want to make her understand that it was a mistake breaking up with you. I'm just looking out for your best interests." He finished and laughed like a hyena.

Kirill listened intently, figuring out his next move while descending into pure rage.

"What do you want me to do?" Kirill asked coldly. There was silence at first and then Tamik slowly said.

"You've always been a very rule based man. You liked rules in your life and business. So disciplined. Let's play a game with rules too. I set the rules this time, and if you break one, then she dies."

Kirill looked down at Dmitry one of whose eyes was closed, he was smiling while listening to Tamik. Kirill put the phone on the table and then placed a cross on himself with his fingers. He picked up his gun and brought it to Dmitry's temple, waited 2 seconds and then shot through Dmitry's head. Blood splattered all over the desks, floors, walls, and Kirill. Kirill picked up the splattered phone and said,

"I'm listening to your rules."

Russian Mafia Tsar [18+]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon