┏°⌜ 085: Wake up

Start from the beginning

"Dr. Schneider...?"
You whispered, your voice weak

"Ah, so you recognize me. That is a very good sign."
With a flashlight he took a closer look  at your eyes, seeing how your pupils would react to the light
"What is the last thing you remember?"

Of course you couldn't tell about what really happened. But what was the last thing that happened in this world? Too much happened in Paradis, so you needed some time to think
"There was... a Party. Yeah, I was at a Party!"
Your voice still weak, but it was growing stronger as you tried to recall the memories.

The doctor nodded, noting down your response on his clipboard.
"Correct. That's a start."
he replied, his voice encouraging. "You've been in a coma for quite some time, Y/n. It's natural to feel confused and disoriented. We'll help you piece things together. Take your time.
So, do you remember what happened at the party?"

You furrowed your brow, concentrating hard, trying to bring back the fragments of that night. Slowly, the memories started to resurface.
"I... I remember walking outside the house." you murmured, your voice gaining strength.
"There were people dancing and celebrating. And then..."

Now you fully remembered. It was Zeke who brought you to Paradis after the Party. Of course, you couldn't tell them that.
You paused for a moment, searching for a good response
"Then everything went dark. That's it."

Dr. Schneider listened attentively, his expression both compassionate and alert. He jotted down your words, processing the information.
"Unfortunately nobody could see what happened to you. In fact, we couldn't even find a cause for your coma. There was no infection, no drugs, no stroke, no cardiac arrest or head injury. B-but we can talk about it later. Important now is that you're awake again, and we're here to guide you through your recovery."

As the doctor spoke, the nurse approached with a glass of water, helping you take a few sips. The cool liquid brought a sense of clarity to your mind, aiding your memory.

You nodded gratefully, the water soothing your parched throat and helping to clear your thoughts.

Of course there is no explanation for your coma in their eyes.
But you had to react like you had no explanation for that either
"Oh ehm, I don't understand. How is it possible that there's no explanation for my coma?"

Dr. Schneider sighed, his brows furrowing in concern.
"I understand your
confusion y/n... Believe me, we've conducted numerous tests and consulted with specialists, but we haven't been able to identify a definitive cause. Sometimes, medical mysteries like these occur, and they challenge us as healthcare professionals."

If only they knew the truth...

While you were nervously playing with the blanket, you looked down at your hand and only now noticed a red fabric around your neck, as well as a chain where a golden key could be seen and a shell that was in your hand.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

The heart monitor, wich was still connected to your body, started to make those Beep noises more frequently, Indicating your increasing heart rate. You started to breathe more rapidly, feeling a surge of panic. The memories from the dream and everything before that...
Mikasa's scarf, Armin's shell and Eren's Key... Ymir.

It was all real, the evidence lies in your hand.
But where are they now?
Why are you back to your world?
Are Eren, Mikasa, Armin and the others safe?
Did you really safe them??

The nurse looked surprised by your sudden hyperventilation

The doctor reacted fast, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to you
"Y/n, look at me."

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