┏°⌜ 054: Done

484 17 12

It was evening and your dress and your speech were finally finished.

To be more precise, your group was done with everything that had to be done, you and your group were just cleaning the room completely and preparing everything for tomorrow.

While you were sweeping the floor you were still thinking about the conversation you had with Armin earlier.

Remember who the real enemy is.
You didn't know exactly what irritated you the most, the sentence or the fact that you said it?

Note to yourself: if you're about to say something important to someone, please be more specific. Why didn't you just said who the enemy is in Armin's dreams? That would be much easier.

"Aaaaalllllright guys!"
It was Hanji. She confidently placed herself on the table for everyone to see and hear her... although hearing her was never a problem when she talks.
"It looks like we've got it all covered! I think we were a great team and worked hard!"

Everyone started cheering and clapping. It was a satisfying feeling to know that everything that was planned was accomplished.

While everyone was cheering, Hanji looked at you and gave you a signal to come to her.

Of course you accepted it without hesitation, after all you also wanted to say something.
As you stood in front of the table on where she was standing on she held out her hand in front of you to help you onto the table safely.

Now as you stood next to her everyone stopped cheering to hear what you had to say.

You're usually nervous when you're about to say something in front of a crowd, but you seem to have gotten used to it and feel a little more confident in general.
"I can't put into words how grateful I am that I was able to work with such an great team.
We laughed a lot and even if we had different opinions, we were still able to agree. Tomorrow will be an important day for all of us and I am sure that we will get through it together. Thank you for everything!"
These words definitely came from your heart. The group was responsible for putting together a perfect outfit for you and writing a speech.
Even if they have been assigned to you, such good cooperation is not a matter of course for you.

Everyone starts cheering and clapping again. Even if your group was relatively small compared to other groups, when it came to cheering, your group was as loud as a hundred people.
It felt like a small family.
You haven't felt this feeling so strongly in a long time. Home.

Even if you are far away from home and missed your family and friends, you also felt at home here.
It was a warm and comfortable feeling.

Hanji put an arm around your shoulder and pressed her cheek against yours with an big grin
"Today we can call it a day because we got everything ready quickly. You all deserve the free time! Get a good rest, tomorrow will be a busy day. Tomorrow's event will start in the evening, we'll meet here tomorrow 11 AM. Take care!"

Everyone said goodbye to each other and left the room.
The time went by so fast, it definitely wasn't boring.
However, as you made your way to your room, Hitch and Louise stopped you.

"Heyyyy Y/n~" Hitch smirked

"Now you have to tell us... how was your date with Eren last night?" Louise smirked too but tried to act innocent

Your face turned red and suddenly felt warm
"It uh... it was nice..."

"... it was... nice?" Louise sounded disappointed. She clearly wanted to hear more details and expected more in general

"Okay spill the tea."
Hitch wrapped her left arm around your shoulders and pressed her cheek on your cheek. She literally squeezed you
"Tell us... is he good in bed?"

Hitch's question was unexpected and you were paralyzed for a moment
You freed yourself from her grip
"Nono, we didn't have sex!"

"Ahwww what..." Louise let out an disappointed sigh "Not even a kiss?"

You were silent for a moment and suddenly felt caught.

"Waaaaiiiit...." Louise started to smile and analyzed your facial expression. She noticed your mood change.
"Ohhhh you two actually kissed?!"

"Noooo..." You massaged your neck awkwardly "I mean yes, but I just gave him a kiss on the cheek."

Hitch was proud of you and clearly pleased
"Better than nothing. It is at least a good start! How did he react?"

"I uh... don't know." You placed your arms behind your back and played with your clothes to calm yourself down.

"What do you mean?" Louise gave you a questioning look

"I mean thaaat... after i kissed him on the cheek i ran away." you continued to play nervously with your clothes

Hitch and Louise looked at you with an surprised expression, then they looked at each other and then back at you.

"You ran away?" Hitch asked as if she just didn't understand what you just said

You let out an quiet sigh
"Yea? I was nervous and scared."

"Well it was your first date. You have to see how Eren feels first and it's understandable that you're nervous. Everyone would react like that!" Louise tried to show some sympathy

"Actually-" Hitch interrupted "-on my very first date, i had sex with the guy after 5 minutes and he wanted to marry me afterwards."

"That's not really helpful Hitch..." She whisper-yelled in an pissed tone

But you just giggled "It wasn't even a date guys."

Hitch just crossed her arms "Yeah yeah sure."

Louise let out an defeated sigh and placed her hands on her hips.
"We'll leave it for today. We should focus and prepare for tomorrow."

You were relieved and surprised. For the first time, Louise actually acted like an adult.

"Fine." Hitch wasn't very pleased, but she knew what Louise said was true and so didn't protest "I'm tired anyways. Good night!"

"I think I'll go to sleep too. See ya tomorrow!"

You waved
"Good night you two!"

Both made their way to their rooms. Actually, that's what you were planning to do too, but you weren't tired at all. It's still not that late and all your thoughts and questions in your head wouldn't let you sleep anyway. Especially when you think about tomorrow.

Perhaps walking around the building will distract you a little.

Dream ꕥ Eren J.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant