┏°⌜ 078: No regrets

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The sound of the clock was loud. It makes you nervous...

Eren was sitting on his chair in front of his big desk, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned his back against his chair with an serious expression.

But the worst part?
He was silent.
This dude said nothing, just looking at you intensely while you stood there in the middle of his room.

It was like being in the detention room where the Teacher is about to lecture you when you did something wrong.

You shifted uncomfortably under Eren's intense gaze, feeling a bead of sweat forming on your forehead. The room suddenly felt suffocating, the only sound being the incessant ticking of the clock on the wall. Each passing moment only seemed to amplify the tension in the air.

You had entered his room expecting a conversation, perhaps a discussion about an important matter. But Eren's silence was speaking volumes. It was as if his quiet demeanor held a weight you couldn't comprehend.





Uncertainty gnawed at your mind as you tried to decipher the reason behind his silence. Was he angry? Disappointed? Or was he simply lost in his own thoughts?

This silence is killing you... what is this about? He was the one who brought you here, so he clearly wanted to talk with you... but why is he not saying anything?

You tried to stand there unimpressed and cool, but the way he silently looks at you... this tension... it makes you so damn nervous.





Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Eren released a heavy sigh.

"How are you?"
The man spoke in an serious tone, his expression not changing.

His sudden voice made you flinch, but you quickly collected your thoughts
"Eeeh... huh? I'm fine. And... how you you?"
You nervously responded

God this is awkward.

It feels like one of these conversations you would have with strangers and don't know how to start a conversation. Like when you wanna start talking but don't know what to say, so you just start with simple questions like 'How are you?' or 'The weather is nice, isn't it?'

The brunette just raised an eyebrow.
"Not buying it."

God what does he want...
You let out a quiet sigh, looking at the ground as you just couldn't look into his eyes
"I... feel confused? Strange. I feel like my whole existence is making no sense anymore. I feel lost."




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