┏°⌜ 025: Trust

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It was dark and cold. It felt like you were just waking up from a long sleep.
In fact, you felt a little light-headed, a bit dizzy and had a headache. More specifically, you felt a pain in the back of your head. The clearer your vision became and the more awake you became, the worse the pain got.

What's going on here?
The last thing you remember is standing in front of the forest with Eren and the others, but then suddenly everything went black...
Did you pass out?
Was that a dream??

When all your senses were intact again and you were now fully awake and could feel that there was a bag or something like that over your head, blocking your view.

You were sitting in an uncomfortable chair. It feels like you've been sitting on it for a long time because your posterior hurt.
Your wrists are tied together behind your back. God since the shackles were tied together quite tightly, your wrist hurt like hell.

Although you felt weak, you tried with all your strength to free yourself from the bonds, but without success.
You started to panic. As your breathing quickened in fear, the air became stuffier as your head was wrapped in a sack.

Where the hell are you and what is going on??
Your heart was beating so fast, fear coursed through your body.
What should you do now?
Calling for help is pointless and you cannot even free yourself. Even if you could free yourself, you don't even know where you are.


You suddenly heard a door open and slam shut abruptly.
Your body got stiff and your heart was beating even faster now, is someone in the room?

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The closer they got, the more nervous you got

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It was quiet for a moment, but you could feel someone standing right in front of you.
You clench your hand in a fist, screw your eyelids shut and clench your teeth tightly.
Suddenly the bag was pulled away from your head, you squint your eyelids even more as the light of the room blinded you for a second.

"Y/n "

You opened your left eye a bit, but your vision was a bit blurry. However, you recognized this voice again.

"Hah, who would have thought that one hit would be enough to knock you out. Pff, You are really weak."
Floch said this in an amused tone.

Words cannot describe how much you hate this man. However, you are currently at a disadvantage and cannot defend yourself.
Fear is currently written all over your face, and you cannot deny that or cover it up in the current situation.

"Ah where are my manners. Of course it was an accident, not intentional"
With his grin and his happy voice he obviously wants to say the opposite. You knit your eyebrows together, Floch could literally see your anger. "Awwww, did I make the princess ang-"

"Floch, what do you want from me?" You just said out loud the question that was buzzing in your mind the whole time.

The redhead looked pissed at you for a moment, but then turned his back on you with a loud groan
"Ya should be thankful that Mr. Jaeger has forbidden us to harm you, Miss Pixis... or should i say Miss l/n?"

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