┏°⌜ 069: Far away

418 17 23

You sat on the hard ground of the carriage with your legs bent, your head leaned on it. Tears occasionally flow down your cheek and sorrow floods your mind.
The carriage rocks harshly with each turn, making you feel sick to your stomach.

Images of the last days flashes through your mind, bringing a sharp pain to your heart. The laughter, the jokes, the conversations. You startet to miss Shiganshina and your friends there. Hopefully they are okay, but this uncertainty- not knowing what happened after the attack as they kidnapped you- kills you inside.

You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for what's to come. You know it won't be easy, but you're ready to face it. Well, it's not like you have a choice.

But if someone died in Shiganshina, it's your fault.
You will never be able to forgive yourself.
All this trouble, just because of you...
You didn't care what Yelena and Zeke planned to do with you by now, you just want your friends to be okay.

It's been several hours now, no idea how long exactly. In between you had to ride through the City Trost, but there Yelena pointed a gun at you under a blanket so that you couldn't call for help there or get 'stupid ideas'.

At the moment you, Yelena and this Guy were in the middle of nowhere, only landscapes and trees to be seen.
You had been sitting on the ground in silence, with nothing but the sound of the horse's hooves and the wind whipping past you.

You couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness, knowing that you were completely at Yelena's mercy. They could do whatever they wanted with you, and there was nothing you could do to stop them.


Hm? What was that?

You looked around but couldn't see anything. Yelena and the guy on the horse didn't seem to have heard anything as they showed no reaction.

Are you crazy now?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕥 .

You looked around again and could see a forrest to the north of you in the distance.

Suddenly the carriage began to shake until it broke away from the horse.
The horse stumbled and the soldier sitting on it fell to the ground. You and Yelena fell to the ground too.

"Ugh... what the-"
After the impact you try to get up and noticed that your arm hurt and bled. You must have injured yourself on a rock or something like that when you hit the ground.

You gritted your teeth and examined your arm for a short second. The bleeding wasn't too bad, but the pain made you feel nauseous. You tried your best to ignore it and looked over to Yelena and the soldier who were both groaning in pain.

Wait, this is your chance!
It looked like the guy had an injured foot, so he was unable to walk or stand up.

It's now or never.
You gathered your courage and started running towards the forrest.
Your injured arm throbbed painfully with every step, but you pushed through the pain and kept running as fast as you could.

Yelena screamed

As you kept running you looked back at her and could see her picking up the gun from the ground.

You have just arrived the forest and stood behind a tree. Right at that moment when you were standing behind the tree you heard a shot.


That was close.
You briefly tried to get your breathing under control and started to run again. You tried to run as fast as you could and also in zigzag so that Yelena couldn't easily follow you or aim.

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